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Responsible dog ownership

On leash and under control

Dogs must always be kept on a leash unless they are on private property with the property owner’s consent, or they are in a designated off-leash area.

At all times, the dog must be kept under control. As a dog owner, you are responsible for your animal’s actions and should take precautions to prevent them from acting in an aggressive manner.

Designated dog parks can provide a pleasant and safe environment in which to exercise dogs, however it is important to follow the rules and remember that not everyone is comfortable around dogs.

Stoop and scoop

Dog waste is a public health hazard, takes the pleasure out of outdoor activities and pollutes the environment.

Help improve public opinion of dogs and dog owners - make it a habit to pick up after your dog and to take the waste home to dispose of it on your own premises.

The City encourages flushing pet waste down the toilet, as it will be properly treated at the sewage plant. Dog owners can also place waste in their green bin that is properly wrapped in absorbent paper and placed in a sealed, leak proof bag.

Failure to pick up after your dog is a by-law offence. Failure to take pet waste home to dispose of it on your own property is also an offence under the Animal Care and Control by-law.

You may report stoop and scoop violations online or by calling 3-1-1.

Dogs barking

A constantly barking dog can be loud and disturbing to you or your neighbours. As a dog owner, it is your responsibility to prevent your pet from constant barking or making other loud noises.

If you are experiencing issues with a noisy animal, please consider speaking with its owner first. If this approach does not work, you may file a barking dogs report for By-law enforcement.

Registering your dog

The City of Ottawa requires dog owners to register their animals. This ensures the city has the necessary information to help reunite you with your pet if it becomes lost. Pet registration must be renewed on an annual basis.

Dog bites and attacks

Charges can be brought against any dog owner:

  • whose dog has bitten, attacked or behaved in a manner that poses a menace to the safety of persons or domestic animals or
  • who did not exercise reasonable precautions to prevent a dog from doing any of the aforementioned.

In the case of a dog bite on a human:

  1. Seek medical attention by calling 9-1-1 if the wound is serious
  2. File a report with By-law and Regulatory Services and Ottawa Public Health via 3-1-1
  3. Retrieve dog owner’s name and address if possible
  4. Get information about anyone who witnessed the attack
  5. Make clear and concise notes on the incident, including date, time and location and a description of the dog

In the case of a dog bite on another dog or animal:

  1. Report dog bite or attack by calling 3-1-1
  2. Seek medical attention for your animal

What will the city do?

Once By-law and Regulatory Services receives a report about a dog bite or attack, a By-law Enforcement Officer will be assigned to the case.

The By-law Officer will:

  1. Investigate the incident
  2. Interview the victim, defendant and any witnesses
  3. Seek witness statements and ask for medical documentation where applicable
  4. Take photos
  5. Collect any other evidence related to the incident
  6. Issue charges, a Muzzle Order and deem the attacking dog vicious when warranted

Ottawa Public Health

Ottawa Public Health (OPH) is responsible for protecting people from rabies. OPH investigates all reports of animal exposures (e.g., bites and/or scratches) to humans to rule out the risk that someone was exposed to rabies at the time of the incident. As part of the investigation, OPH may require that the animal be confined for a 10-day observation period at home with their owner.

OPH will also make sure the animal is up-to-date for their rabies vaccination. To help protect people and pets from rabies, Ontario law (Regulation 567, Rabies Immunization) requires animal owners to vaccinate pets for rabies.

Vicious dogs

The City issues Muzzle Orders for dogs that have been deemed vicious upon investigation.

A dog is deemed vicious when it has bitten or attacked a person or domestic animal without provocation.

A Muzzle Order requires:

  • The vicious dog to be muzzled at all times when not inside the owner’s dwelling
  • The vicious dog to be securely placed on a leash which does not allow it to go beyond the property line of the owner’s lanes
  • Keep the vicious dog contained within an enclosed area, including a fence of appropriate height for the dog breed, or in a manner that prevents the dog from coming into contact with persons or other animals.

When a vicious dog is not on its owner’s property it must:

  • Be muzzled at all times
  • Be kept under the control of a person 16 years or older
  • Be kept on a leash no longer than 2 metres long

All owners who are issued a Muzzle Order are entitled to appeal the decision, within 14 days of issuance.

Failing to observe a Muzzle Order is a serious offence.

Report dog muzzle order violations online or by calling 3-1-1.

Dog Owners' Liability Act (plus Pit Bull Ban)

Pit Bulls and the Dog Owners' Liability Act (DOLA)

In 2005, the Province of Ontario amended the Dog Owners' Liability Act (DOLA) to include broad powers to deal with dangerous dogs in general, as well as a ban on pit bulls.

The amendments prohibit anyone from owning, breeding, transferring, importing, fighting or abandoning pit bulls in Ontario. The definition of a pit bull under the Act includes: pit bull terrier, Staffordshire bull terrier, American Staffordshire terrier, American pit bull terrier or a dog that has an appearance and physical characteristics that are substantially similar to any of the aforementioned dogs.

City of Ottawa

While the City of Ottawa may not legally register/license “pit bulls,” it does not enforce the provincial ban on pit bulls. Within the City, the Animal Care and Control By-law (By-law 2003-77) is the primary tool to govern dogs of all breeds. Pet owners should be aware of their responsibilities under this by-law and must register their animals accordingly. This includes all types of pit bull or pit bull mixes.

Restricted pit bulls must be leashed and muzzled in public, and spayed or neutered. The onus of proof that a dog is not a pit bull, will lie with the owner of the dog.

Pet registration and licensing provides a means by which any pet can be identified and returned home safely if it becomes lost.


The City of Ottawa uses the Dog Owner’s Liability Act (DOLA) as an additional enforcement tool when dealing with serious and repeat offences involving dogs. Penalties under the DOLA include:

  • $10,000 fine and/or six months in jail
  • $60,000 fine for corporations
  • Restitution orders requiring convicted persons to make compensation to the victims.

If a pit bull owner is found to have contravened a provision of the Dog Owner’s Liability Act or their dog has bitten, attacked or posed a menace to public safety, a mandatory destruction order will be issued by the Court.


Limits on the number of dogs and cats

The limits on the number of dogs and cats, over 20 weeks of age, per household within the City of Ottawa are as follows:

  • three dogs in all areas of the City
  • five cats in areas not zoned agricultural
  • where both dogs and cats are kept, a total of five animals, with a maximum of three dogs
  • no restriction on the number of cats kept in areas zoned agricultural

Discover how to protect yourself and others from vicious dogs and which communities allow dogs to have their day in the park.

Do you have more creatures to care for? Find out which provisions apply to exotic animals.

Spaying or neutering your pet

Being a responsible pet owner includes having your pet spayed or neutered (sterilized). A controlled pet population lowers the incidence of disease, and — in the long term — reduces the cost of animal control. Proof of sterilization reduces the cost of registering your pet and must be submitted with your registration form. This proof includes one of the following:

  • Spay/Neuter Certificate received following the surgery
  • Signed note from a qualified veterinarian
  • Copy of an invoice from a veterinary facility identifying the animal as spayed or neutered
  • Copy of your adoption agreement, as applicable

Advantages of spaying your female pet:

  • Eliminates the heat cycle and associated symptoms such as crying, nervous pacing, the desire to roam and the excretion of blood
  • Stops unwelcome visits by male suitors
  • Reduces the risk of breast cancer, one of the most common malignancies in the female feline
  • Prevents diseases of the uterus and ovaries as well as some skin disorders

Advantages of neutering your male pet:

  • Reduces or eliminates the tendency to mark territory with strong-smelling urine
  • Prevents prostate disease and certain cancers
  • May reduce the likelihood that your pet will stray from home and become lost or injured

Common myths about spaying or neutering

Spaying or neutering my pet will cause obesity — False. Exercise and proper diet will keep your pet healthy and active.

My female pet needs to have a heat period and litter to round out her personality. — False. There is no proven benefit in allowing the animal to have a heat period or a litter prior to spaying.

During the surgery

A qualified veterinarian must perform both types of surgeries. The procedures are performed under full anaesthesia and sterile conditions.

The spaying of a cat or dog involves the removal of the female reproductive tract. The neutering of a cat or dog involves the removal of the male testes. These surgeries can be performed on cats 5 months or older, and dogs 5 months or older.

Private veterinary clinics also offer spay/neuter services. Check the Yellow Pages for complete listings or consult with your own veterinarian for details on this important aspect of responsible pet ownership.


Thousands of stray dogs and cats are brought to the municipal pound each year because these animals don’t have – or aren’t wearing – identification tags. About 70 per cent of dogs and 10 per cent of cats are claimed by their owners. Many unclaimed pets find new homes through the Ottawa Humane Society's Adoption Centre. Microchips provide a permanent means of pet identification. Microchips store owner information, which is used to return your lost pet to you. The Ottawa Humane Society holds microchip clinics on a regular basis. Private veterinary clinics and the City's Spay/Neuter Clinic also offer microchipping services.

Why microchip my pet?

  • Permanent: A microchip is good for the life of your pet.
  • Painless: This tiny chip can be placed under the skin while your pet is asleep for other procedures such as spay/neuter.
  • North American-Wide Protection: Your pet’s information is accessible by any scanner in North America and can even be transferred internationally.
  • Pay only once: A one-time fee protects your pet for life.
  • Even indoor pets can escape: Be safe and microchip your pet!