Ontario Heritage Act notices

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Notice of intention to repeal by-laws designating the Ottawa Water Works Complex

Notice of intention to repeal by-laws designating the Ottawa Water Works Complex as a property of cultural heritage value or interest pursuant to section 32 of the Ontario Heritage Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.0.18

Dated and published at the City of Ottawa on August, 22, 2024

Take notice that the Council of the Corporation of the City of Ottawa intends to repeal by-laws 22-82 and 65-95 which designate the properties known collectively as the Ottawa Water Works Complex to be of cultural heritage value or interest pursuant to Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act

By-laws 22-82 and 65-95 are being repealed following the passage of by-law 2024-147 which designates the Ottawa Water Works Complex as being of cultural heritage value or interest pursuant to section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act and replaces By-laws 22-82 and 65-95. 

Description of property

The Ottawa Water Works complex is a cultural heritage landscape comprised of the Water Works Building at 10 Fleet Street, the covered aqueduct, the open aqueduct to the west including the headworks, the channeled tailrace to the north of the pumping station, and five stone bridges that cross the aqueduct. The bridges include four single-span bridges; the Canada Central Railway, Broad Street, Booth Street, and the combined Lloyd/Lett/Grand Trunk Railway bridge and the triple span Pooley’s Bridge, located north of the pumping station. The complex was constructed in 1872-74, with additions to the Water Works building in 1888 and 1899. The Ottawa Water Works is located on LeBreton Flats, west of downtown Ottawa.


Please be advised that any person wishing to object to the proposed repealing by-law may do so under the objection process set out in Section 31 of the Ontario Heritage Act by giving the Clerk of the City of Ottawa, within 30 days after online publication of this notice, a notice of objection setting out the reasons for the objection and all relevant facts.
The notice of objection can be submitted via email to:


The notice of objection can also be submitted via registered mail or be delivered in person, by appointment, at the following coordinates: 

Caitlin Salter MacDonald, City Clerk 
c/o Mélanie Blais, Committee Coordinator
110 Laurier Avenue West
Ottawa, Ontario  K1P 1J1
mail code 01-71 

When an objection has been received, City Council will consider the objection including all relevant facts, within 90 days after the end of the objection period. After consideration of the objection, Council may decide to withdraw this notice of intention or pass a by-law repealing the designating by-law(s). 

Additional information

For further information regarding the repeal application, please contact:

Anne Fitzpatrick
Heritage Planner
613-580-2424, extension 25651