Property taxes cancellation, reduction or refund

The City of Ottawa may cancel, reduce or refund all or part of the property taxes for those who meet the eligibility requirements in accordance with sections 357 and 358 of the Municipal Act, 2001

Before you begin

  • The deadline for this type of application is the last day of February of the calendar year following the year which is being appealed
  • An application may be made by:
    • Property owner;
    • Tenant, occupant or other person in possession of the land; or
    • Spouse of any person listed above
  • Representatives or Agents making requests on behalf of a principal listed above must submit a letter of authorization signed by the principal in order to validate their application

The City may contact you if further documents or clarifications of your application are required. The application cannot be processed until the supporting documents are received. The documents required depend upon the reason for the application.


Applications may be made for the following reason under Section 357 of the Municipal Act, 2001:

  • Change of tax class as a result of a change event as defined in the legislation;
  • Land has become vacant land or excess land;
  • Land has become exempt from taxation;
  • A building on the land:
    • was razed by fire, demolition or otherwise; or
    • was damaged by fire demolition or otherwise to render it substantially unusable for the purposes for which it was used immediately prior to the damage;
  • A mobile unit on the land was removed;
  • Taxes were overcharged due to a gross or manifest error that is clerical or factual in nature;
  • Repairs or renovations prevented the normal use of the land for at least 3 months during the year

Applications may be made for the following reason under Section 358 of the Municipal Act, 2001:

  • In one or both of the two years preceding the year in which you are applying there was an overcharge caused by a gross or manifest error in the preparation of the assessment roll; or
  • In the year or years in respect of which an assessment is made under section 33 or 34 (Supplementary or Omitted assessment) of the Assessment Act for any overcharge caused by a gross or manifest error in the preparation of the assessment that is clerical or factual in nature

What you need

The following information is required to complete the online form or to be included in your request:

  • Roll number
  • If you are an agent or representative of a person entitled to apply, you must provide a letter of authorization signed by your principal owner
  • Copies of documents that will substantiate your application, for example, for a demolished building: a demolition permit and other relevant evidence like photographs showing the building has been removed 



Application request form for cancellation, reduction or refund of property taxes

PDF Forms

Application request form for cancellation, reduction or refund of property taxes



City of Ottawa, Revenue Services, Assessment Unit
100 Constellation Drive, 4th Floor East
Ottawa, ON K2G 6J8

If you are submitting your request in writing and are not applying through the provided forms your request must contain the following:

  • Your name, telephone number, municipal address, roll number of the property.
  • The reason for your request (see Eligibility)
  • The effective date relating to the reason for your request.
  • Copies of documents that will substantiate your application (see What you Need).
  • If you are an agent or representative of a person entitled to apply, you must submit a letter of authorization signed by your principal



For further information, contact us by:



613-580-2444 (TTY: 613-580-2401) Monday to Friday, 8:00 am to 4:30 pm (June to August, 8:00 am to 4:00 pm). Transactions will be recorded for training and quality assurance.