Exceptions 2801 - 2900


By-laws contained in this section have been prepared for research and reference purposes only. Original by-laws are available for consultation at the City of Ottawa Archives and the Ottawa Public Library Main branch. For legal purposes, certified copies of by-laws may be obtained from the City of Ottawa Archives.

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Exceptions 2801-2820

I Exception Number II Applicable Zone III Exception Provisions - Additional land uses permitted IV Exception Provisions - Land uses prohibited V Exception Provisions - Provisions
2801 (By-law 2022-282) R5B[2801] S462-h
  • Convenience store
  • Retail Store
  • Personal service business
  • Restaurant
  • Maximum permitted building heights, minimum setbacks and minimum stepbacks are as per S462  
  • Minimum amount of landscape area is 13.5% of the lot area.  
  • Minimum aisle width: 6.0 metres  
  • Minimum parallel parking space length for small cars only: 6.0 m  
  • Convenience store, restaurant, personal service business, and retail are permitted on the ground floor only and second storey mezzanine open to the ground floor, limited to cumulative total gross floor area of 120 m2.  
  • Despite Table 111A(a)-(c), the minimum number of bicycle spaces required is 1.0 per dwelling unit or rooming unit.
  • A single occupancy washroom and indoor roof top amenity area are permitted to project above the maximum height limit shown on Schedule 462 provided the combined area does not exceed 200 m2 with a maximum height of 5 metres and incorporated into the Mechanical Penthouse level.
  • Maximum building heights of Schedule 462 do not apply to permitted projections under Section 65. Projections are permitted in accordance
  • with Section 65
  • The holding symbol may not be lifted until the following is satisfied:  
  1. A Site Plan application has been approved, including registration of an agreement pursuant to Section 41 of the Planning Act, to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Planning, Real Estate and Economic Development, satisfying the following through conditions or approved plans:
  1. Burying hydro infrastructure along the east side of O’Connor Street between Nepean Street and Lisgar Street;
  2. Approved plans showing the at-grade recessed floors generally providing a minimum 2.0 metres setback along Nepean Street and O’Connor Street at grade and minimum cantilevered height of at least 7.0 metres along O’Connor Street; and,
  3. Provisions for an affordable housing agreement providing 25 affordable units as follows:
  1. 10 two-bedroom or larger units;
  2. 15 one-bedroom or larger units;
  3. A minimum affordability period of 20 years; and
  4. Maximum rent that does not exceed the average market rent as reported by CMHC in their Annual Market Survey for the Ottawa Census Metropolitan Area for units of the same type and size by bedroom count
2802 (By-law 2022-283) R3V[2802]    
  • Minimum front yard setback: 5m
2803 (By-law 2022-283) R4S[2803]    
  • Minimum Parking for low-rise apartment units: 1 space per unit
  • Egress stairs and walkway are permitted within a landscaped area.
  • Parking is permitted in a provided front yard.
2804 (By-law 2022-286) AM1[2804] H(25)    
  • Section 185(7) does not apply.
2805 (By-law 2022-287) IL[2805]    
  • maximum parking space width for service vehicle parking: 4.57m
2806 (By-law 2022-289) TM[2806] H(29)    
  1. Maximum front yard setback: 2.2 m
  2. Roof top amenity area which projects above the maximum permitted height limit:
  1. may not exceed 4 m in height
  2. has a maximum gross floor area of 75 m2
2807 (By-law 2022-291) (By-law 2023-396 OLT Decision OLT-22-0004516)      
  • An apartment dwelling, mid-rise, existing as of August 31, 2022, is permitted to expand, and any additions to the existing structure are subject to the performance standards of an apartment dwelling, low-rise in the R4UD zone.  
  • Where there is an addition as provided above, the following shall apply to the lot and the said structure:
    1. Despite Section 101 and 102, vehicle parking spaces are not required.
    2. Minimum rear yard area required: 180 m2
    3. Minimum rear yard setback: 6.40 m
    4. Minimum setback for an accessory structure from a side lot line abutting a street along Sweetland Avenue: 0.6 m.
2808 (By-law 2022-293) R5B[2808] F(3.0)
  • Personal service business, limited to a barber shop, beauty parlour, or dry cleaner’s distribution station  
  • Place of assembly, limited to a club  
  • Retail store, limited to a drug store, florist shop, news stand  
  • Restaurant
  • Additional permitted uses other than place of assembly limited to a club are restricted to the ground floor or basement of residential use building.  
  • The following provisions apply to a parking lot to be used by the office building that exists as of August 31, 2022 at 190 O’Connor Street:
    1. A parking lot of at least 30 parking spaces is permitted only to serve as parking for the existing office;
    2. A loading area is not required;
    3. Landscaped area for a parking lot requires a minimum of 65 m2 and no buffer;
  • Minimum aisle width for 90-degree parking: 6.0 m
2809 (OLT-22-004606 dated June 12, 2023) R4Y[2809] S463-h    
  1. Minimum setbacks as per S463  
  2. The minimum parking space rate for a dwelling unit in a low- rise apartment building is 0.8 parking spaces per dwelling unit.  
  3. The holding symbol may only be removed until such time as a Site Plan Control application addressing the following is approved to the satisfaction of the General Manager of Planning, Real Estate and Economic Development Department:
  1. The proposed residential development must not exceed a fire flow of 10,000 L/min to ensure the available watermain system can provide adequate fire protection.  
  2. The owner shall prepare updated fire flow calculations demonstrating how the above- noted criterion is met and perform a hydraulic network analysis of the proposed watermain system to ensure the demand objectives are met throughout the system as per the City of Ottawa Water Distribution Guidelines. The updated fire flow calculations and hydraulic analysis shall be submitted for review and approval at the time of the Site Plan Control application.
  3. Any proposed measures to meet the fire flow criterion, including but not limited to active fire protection measures such as sprinkler systems, fire walls, and/or minimum building separations shall be designed to the satisfaction of the General Manager of Planning, Real Estate and Economic Development Department.
2810 (By-law 2022-295) R4UD[2810]    
  • Minimum rear yard setback: 6.6 m
  • Minimum rear yard area: 111 m2
  • Minimum parking required: 1 space
  • No visitor parking spaces are required.
  • Provided parking limited to being used as a car-share or visitor parking space.
  • Minimum front yard landscaped area: 12.3 m2
2811 (By-law 2022-309) AM8[2811]-h    
  • The Bank Street frontage is considered to be the front lot line.
  • Maximum building height of the easternmost tower: 90 m
  • Maximum building height of the westernmost tower: 96 m
  • Minimum percentage of building façade along Bank Street measured at a 4 m setback: 40% of the lot width
  • Maximum front yard setback along Bank Street for non-residential and mixed use buildings with the front wall facing Bank Street: 3 metres
  • Minimum front yard setback: 0 m
  • Minimum corner yard setback: 0 m
  • Minimum interior yard setback: 0 m
  • Minimum rear yard setback: 0 m
  • A 1.5 m stepback from the nearest street facing façade is required at the fourth, fifth or sixth storey of a high-rise building having frontage on Bank Street
  • A 2.4 m stepback from the nearest street-facing facade is required at the fourth, fifth or sixth storey of a high-rise building having frontage on Riverside Drive
  • Minimum width of landscaped area around a parking lot: 0 m
  • Minimum setback from watercourse: 15 m
  • Maximum number of towers: 2
  • Maximum total Gross Floor Area: 48,000 m2
  • The holding symbol applies to all uses and may not be removed until such time as:
  1. A Servicing Design is approved, to the satisfaction of the General Manager of Planning, Real Estate and Economic Development, either within the context of the Bank Street Renewal Project, or, in absence of the Bank Street Renewal project, by the applicant’s engineering consultant independently within the context of a Site Plan Control application.
  2.  A detailed Stormwater Management Report is approved, to the satisfaction of the General Manager of Planning, Real Estate and Economic Development, to be reviewed within the context of a Site Plan Control application, which addresses concerns related to the storm system’s capacity.
  3.  A Geotechnical Report is approved, to the satisfaction of the General Manager of Planning, Real Estate and Economic Development, including information about permit to take water, borehole depths beyond excavation depth, etc., to be reviewed within the context of a Site Plan Control application.
  4.  A Phase One Environmental Site Assessment and a Phase Two Environmental Site Assessment, in accordance with the current O.Reg.153/04, are approved, to the satisfaction of the General Manager of Planning, Real Estate and Economic Development, to be reviewed within the context of a Site Plan Control application.
  5.  Issues related to off-site contaminants are addressed to the satisfaction of the General Manager of Planning, Real Estate and Economic Development.
  6.  A Record of Site Condition is completed in accordance with the O. Reg. 153/04 and acknowledged by the Ministry of Environment.
  7.  The Site Plan Control Application for the proposal is approved.
  • Despite the holding symbol, buildings existing as of the date of Council approval may continue to be used and/or converted into permitted uses and are not subject to the holding symbol. 
2812 (By-law 2022-296) R4UC[2812]    
  • Despite Section 162, maximum lot area: 1,580m2
  • Subclause 161(15)(b)(iv) does not apply
  • Despite Subclause 161(15)(f)(ii), a minimum of one principal entrance must be located along Silver Street and a minimum of one principal entrance must be located along Summerville Avenue.
2813 (By-law 2022-298) MC[2813] H(115)  
  • drive-through facility
  • parking garage
  • parking lot, other than a rapid-transit network park and ride facility located within 600 metres from a rapid transit station
2814 (By-law 2022-299) R4UC[2814]-c    
  • maximum lot area for a low rise apartment dwelling: 1,090m2
  • maximum building height for a low-rise apartment dwelling: 11.5m
  • minimum parking requirement for a low-rise apartment dwelling: 0.1 space per dwelling unit in excess of 12.
  • despite Sections 111A(a)-(c), minimum number of bicycle spaces:  1.0 per dwelling unit or rooming unit.
2815 (By-law 2022-284) GM[2815]
  • automobile service station
  • bar
  • cinema
  • garden nursery
  • light industrial use
  • nightclub
  • parking garage
  • parking lot
  • sports arena
  • theatre
  • truck transport terminal
  • warehouse
  • apartment dwelling, low rise
  • apartment dwelling,mid-rise
  • apartment dwelling,highrise
  • bed And Breakfast
  • bunk house dwelling
  • coach house
  • detached dwelling
  • duplex dwelling
  • dwelling unit
  • group home
  • linked-detached dwelling
  • planned-unit development
  • retirement home
  • retirement home, converted
  • rooming house
  • secondary dwelling unit
  • semi-detached dwelling
  • stacked dwelling
  • three-unit dwelling
  • townhouse dwelling
  • Light industrial use, truck transport terminal, and warehouse are subject to the following provisions:
  1. Minimum front yard setback: 6 m.  
  2. Minimum corner side yard setback: 6 m.  
  3. Minimum interior side yard setback: 4 m.  
  4. Minimum rear yard setback: 6 m.
  • For all other permitted uses, Table 187 applies.
2816 (By-law 2022-301) MC[2816]-h  
  • Drive-through facility
  • Heavy industrial uses
  • Light industrial uses
  • Parking lot
  • Service and repair shop
  • Townhouse dwelling
  • Residential uses until the holding symbol is removed
  1. Minimum Building Height for residential and mixed-use buildings: 4 storeys or 14 m
  2. Maximum Building Height for residential and mixed-use buildings: 30 storeys or 94 m
  3. Notwithstanding (i), Minimum Building Height does not apply to above grade parking structures.
  4. No Minimum Parking Space Rate
  5. Minimum side and rear yard setbacks for buildings 10 storeys or 32 m or greater: 12.5 m.
  6. For the purpose of the below provisions, a tower is defined as the portion of the building above the podium.
  7. Minimum separation between two towers 32 metres in height or greater: 25 m.
  8. Buildings on lots that share a lot line with Legget Drive or an internal private street shall have a maximum podium height of 4 storeys or 14 m.
  9. Towers, including balconies, are required to have a minimum step back from the podium of the building:
    1. For a building abutting privately owned public space, Legget Drive, or a public park: 3 m; and
    2. In all other cases: 1.5 m.
  10. Notwithstanding Section 65 for permitted projections, balconies are not permitted to project beyond the front wall of the podium.
  11. Removal of the holding symbol may occur following:
  1. Approval of the first development application for residential purposes on any part of the redevelopment lands, being lands subject to this exception, with conditions to the satisfaction of the General Manager of Planning, Real Estate and Economic Development (PRED) or his/her designate.
  2. Dedication of parkland and terms for park development for the entire redevelopment site, being all lands subject to this exception, in accordance with the Parkland Dedication By-law, to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Recreation, Cultural and Facility Services Department (RCFS) or his/her designate.
  3. Notwithstanding the provisions above, the holding symbol shall not prevent an application to sever lands for non-residential purposes.
2817 (By-law 2022-302) R3Z[2817] R3Z[2817]-h    
  • For interior lots, a maximum of 55 % of the area of the front yard may be used for a driveway.
  • On a corner lot, a maximum of 65% of the area of the front yard may be used for a driveway.
  • No construction of buildings is permitted prior to the removal of the holding symbol.
  • An amendment to this by-law to remove the holding provision, in part or in full, is permitted once the following have been addressed to the satisfaction of the General Manager of Planning, Real Estate and Economic Development:
  1. Approval of detail design for the stormwater management pond and Shirley’s Brook Tributary 2 realignment and restoration plan within the 1053, 1075 and 1145 March Road subdivision;
  2. Submission of an Environmental Compliance Approval application to the Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks for the stormwater management pond within the 1053, 1075 and 1145 March Road subdivision;
  3. Written permission from Mississippi Valley Conservation Authority based on Ontario Regulation 153/06 for the works outlined in item 1. above; and
  4. Provision of updated floodplain mapping for the Shirley’s Brook Tributary 2 to the City of Ottawa by the Mississippi Valley Conservation Authority illustrating removal of the floodplain from the lot.
2818 (By-law 2022-302) R4Z[2818]-h    
  • No construction of buildings is permitted prior to the removal of the holding symbol.
  • An amendment to this by-law to remove the holding provision, in part or in full, is permitted once the following have been addressed to the satisfaction of the General Manager of Planning, Real Estate and Economic Development:
  1. Approval of detail design for the stormwater management pond and Shirley’s Brook Tributary 2 realignment and restoration plan within the 1053, 1075 and 1145 March Road subdivision;
  2. Submission of an Environmental Compliance Approval application to the Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks for the stormwater management pond within the 1053, 1075 and 1145 March Road subdivision;
  3. Written permission from Mississippi Valley Conservation Authority based on Ontario Regulation 153/06 for the works outlined in item 1. above; and
  4. Provision of updated floodplain mapping for the Shirley’s Brook Tributary 2 to the City of Ottawa by the Mississippi Valley Conservation Authority illustrating removal of the floodplain from the lot.
2819 (By-law 2022-302) R4Z[2819]-h    
  • No construction of buildings is permitted prior to the removal of the holding symbol.
  • An amendment to this by-law to remove the holding provision, in part or in full, is permitted once the following have been addressed to the satisfaction of the General Manager of Planning, Real Estate and Economic Development:
  1. .Completion of the necessary studies, reports and designs including the preparation of infrastructure reports as well as preparation of site plans or plans of subdivision that demonstrate how all of the lands between the collector roadway “1”, as identified in draft approved subdivision D07-16-18-0023, and March Road will be logically serviced to the satisfaction of the General Manager of Planning, Real Estate and Economic Development.
2820 (By-law 2022-322) MD[2820] S57    
  • Minimum 15 visitor motor vehicle parking spaces required.
  • Minimum 9.5% of the ground floor to be occupied by a listed use in Section 193(2).

Exceptions 2821 - 2840

I Exception Number II Applicable Zones III Exception Provisions - Additional Land Uses Permitted IV Exception Provisions - Land Uses Prohibited V Exception Provisions - Provisions
2821 (By-law 2022-331) R3B[2821]    
  • The minimum width for a driveway for a townhouse in a Planned Unit Development: 2.4 m.
  • The minimum setback for any wall of a residential use building to a private way is 0m.
  • The minimum setback for any garage or carport entrance from a private way is 0m.
  • Despite Section 65, projections are not permitted on the northern and southern sides of each of the 2 buildings.
  • The minimum interior side yard setback for a townhouse dwelling in a Planned Unit Development on the north side of the parcel is 1.48m.
  • maximum building height: 9 m
2822 (By-law 2022-345 I1A[2822]    
  • Lands considered one lot for zoning purposes for building setbacks, placement of amenity space, parking, and bicycle parking.
  • Minimum parking aisle width: 6.1m
  • No loading spaces are required.
  • No landscape buffer is required for a parking lot along the southernmost lot line.
  • Minimum interior side yard setback along the northern property line: 4m
2823 (By-law 2022-340) R5C[2823] F(3.0) S464 Retail food store  
  • Maximum permitted building heights and minimum setbacks are as per S464.
  • Minimum bicycle parking space rate: 0.92 spaces per unit
  • Balconies may project into Area A as shown on S464.
  • Maximum gross floor area for any single commercial use is 47 m2
  • Maximum cumulative gross floor area for all commercial uses is 93 m2
  • Minimum front yard setback: 6 m
  • Minimum corner side yard setback: 4.5 m.
2824 (By-law 2022-341 R4UD[2824] S70    
  • Minimum rear yard setback: 7.6 m
  • Maximum projection for balconies in a required yard above the first floor: 1.6 m
  • No visitor parking is required.
  • Section 60 does not apply.
2825 (By-law 2022-371) R4UB[2825]    
  • minimum width of a driveway: 2.4 m
  • a parking space may project up to 1.33 m into the corner side yard
  • minimum width for a parking space: 2.4 m
  • minimum length for a parking space: 4.8 m
2826 (By-law 2022-371) R4UB[2826]    
  • minimum width of a driveway: 2.59 m
  • no landscaping is required along driveway from the interior side lot line
  • minimum width for a parking space: 2.4 m
  • minimum length for a parking space: 4.8 m
2827 (By-law 2022-371) R4UB[2827]    
  • minimum width for a parking space: 2.4 m
  • minimum length for a parking space: 4.8 m
2828 (By-law 2022-373) AM[2828]    
  1. Maximum height: 14.32m
  2. Minimum parking spaces for a low-rise apartment building: 14 spaces
  3. Minimum parking spaces for visitor parking: 1 space
  4. Minimum landscape buffer for a parking lot containing more than 10 but fewer than 100 spaces: 0.94 m
  5. Canopies and awnings may project into a side yard up to 0.91m but may be no closer to the lot line than 0.3m.
2829 (By-law 2022-369) TM[2829] S465-h    
  1. Maximum building height and minimum yard setbacks are as shown on Schedule 465.
  2. A single occupancy washroom and indoor roof top amenity area are permitted to project above the maximum height limit shown on Schedule 465, provided the combined area does not exceed 200m2 with a maximum height of 5m and incorporated into the mechanical penthouse level per building.
  3. The 4-storey feature shown on Schedule 465 in Area D is permitted in the location as shown on the Schedule, but must be incorporated into the building above the second storey and is limited to a maximum height of 4 storeys for this feature.
  4. Maximum Gross Floor Area: 73,000m2
  5. Minimum tower separation: 25 m
  6. The tower portion of the building, being any portion above 9-storeys, must be setback a minimum of 12 metres from the westerly side lot line.
  7. The maximum vehicular parking rate per dwelling unit is 0.6 spaces per unit
  8. The holding symbol applies to all uses and may not be removed until such time as a site plan application has been approved, including registration of an agreement pursuant to Section 41 of the Planning Act, to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Planning, Real Estate and Economic Development, satisfying the following through conditions or approved plans:
  1. Facilitation of an adequate built-form transition from the High-rise building heights abutting Scott Street to the Low- and Mid-rise heights at the rear of the subject property, generally providing a 45-degree angular plane from the yard setbacks, despite Schedule 465.
  2. The final design and location of the connection, Area D on Schedule 465, will be determined through Site Plan review including consideration from any recommendation from formal Urban Design Review Panel during site plan;
  3. The inclusion of a publicly accessible at-grade connection between the front of the subject property abutting Scott Street and the rear of the property abutting Lion’s Park, with a public access easement;
  4. Transit Demand Management strategies shall be identified and conditioned accordingly to ensure the development supports active transportation;
  5. There is an unregistered easement in 2026 Scott Street for the existing public 375mm concrete storm sewer. Currently this sewer is serving the subject property and Aston Avenue. A detailed investigation is required by the applicant at no cost to the City as per the City’s Rules and Regulation to determine if an easement will need to be registered on title for the 375mm public Storm Sewer or if the sewer can be removed from the private property; and
  6. Conditions relating to the parkland dedication (land conveyance) and a strategy for public consultation on design of the expanded Lion’s Park.
  1. Partial removal of the holding symbol may be considered to provide for phased development. The submission and approval of an application to lift the holding provisions on a phased basis may be considered provided the requirements for that development phase satisfy the requirements for the lifting of the holding zone specified above.
2830 (By-law 2022-393) MC[2830] S466-h light industrial uses, limited to a brewery  
  1. The lands zoned MC[2830] S466 -h1 and MC[2830] S466 -h1, -h2 are, together, considered one lot for zoning purposes.
  2. maximum permitted building height, minimum stepbacks and minimum required setbacks are as shown on Schedule 466.
  3. S.65 permitted projections above the height limit applies despite S466
  4. Section 85(3) does not apply
  5. On land zoned with holding symbol (-h1), the holding symbol may not be removed until such time as an application for Site Plan Control has been approved and secures the following:
  1. A site Plan application has been approved, to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Planning, Real Estate and Economic Development, satisfying the following through conditions or approved plans:
  1. A relocation strategy for the existing artist tenants has been submitted; 
  2.  Confirmation of a secured affordable unit rent (artist tenants) within the Standard Bread Building for a period of 15 years with an approximate rent at 40% below market.
  3. $1,000.000 contribution, indexed upwardly from the date of Site Plan approval towards Ward 15 affordable housing.
  4. $1,000,000 contribution, indexed upwardly from the date of Site Plan approval, towards the construction of the Laurel Street pedestrian bridge.
  5. Construction of, or a cash payment contribution towards, a multi-use pathway along the east side of site north of Gladstone Avenue to the northern extent of the property limits.
  6. Provisions for a public access easement on area intended to serve as privately-owned public space.
  7. A phasing plan should the project be developed in phases and providing for elements to be provided with each phase of development.
  1. Partial removal of the holding symbol (h1) may be considered to provide for phased development. The submission and approval of an application to lift the holding provisions on a phased basis may be considered provided the requirements for that development phase satisfy the requirements for the lifting of the holding zone specified above.
  1.  On land zoned with holding symbol h2, the holding symbol only applies above grade and where NPC-300 Class 4 sound level limits are not met due to sound emissions from Canadian Bank Note located at 975 Gladstone Avenue and the holding symbol shall remain in place until the earlier of: (a) the date that the mitigation at the source of stationary noise has been completed at Canadian Bank Note located at 975 Gladstone Avenue or (b) November 1, 2025
2831 (By-law 2022-374) TM11[2831]    
  1. Despite Section 197(3)(g)(i), the minimum building height is 4.3m for a distance of 4.8m from the front lot line as set out under subsection 197(5)
  2. Minimum corner side yard setback: 2.25m
  3. Despite Section 197(1)(b), where in a mixed-use building and located on the ground floor abutting a street having direct pedestrian access to that street, office uses are permitted to be located within a depth of 6m of the front wall of the main building abutting the street
2832 (Reserved for future use)      
2833 (By-law 2022-363) LC[2833] S467-h    
  • Setbacks, building stepbacks and maximum permitted building heights as per Schedule 467.
  • Minimum landscaped buffer along the western lot line: 7.5 m
  • Minimum landscaped buffer along the northern lot line: 1 m
  • Minimum landscaped buffer for a parking lot, not abutting a street: 1 m
  • The holding symbol may not be removed until such time as the approval of a Site Plan Control application by the City of Ottawa Council.
2834 (By-law 2022-362) R5A[2834]-h bank, bank machine, bar, convenience store, day care, hotel, office, parking garage, personal service business, recreation and athletic facility, restaurant, retail, food store, retail store, cinema, theatre, place of assembly, medical facility, training centre, and storefront industry  
  1. up to 4 high rise buildings are permitted
  2. Maximum building height: 35 storeys
  3. The lot line abutting Jeanne-d’Arc Boulevard North is considered the front lot line for zoning purposes
  4. Minimum front yard setback: 2.3 m
  5. Minimum eastern interior side yard setback: 5.3 m
  6. Minimum rear yard setback from the northern edge of any parking structure/garage beneath any high-rise buildings: 4.1m
  7. Despite Table 65, a parking garage may extend up to 0 m from a lot line on the south, east, and west sides, be outside lands identified as being within the flood plain, and on the north side, be outside the 30m buffer from the PSW.
  8. Minimum building setback from an abutting O1 or EP zone: 0 m
  9. Hard and soft landscaping on the roof of the parking garage shall count toward the minimum 30% landscaped area requirement
  10. Minimum vehicle parking requirements for residential uses, non-residential uses, and visitors, are as per Area Z on Schedule 1A of the Zoning By-law (By-law No. 2008-250), as amended.
  11. Section 163(12) does not apply
  12. Section 164B Endnote 1 does not apply
  13. Additional permitted uses are only permitted within the first 6 storeys of a high-rise building
  14. The holding symbol shall not be removed until:
  1. The Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing approves the new Official Plan of the City of Ottawa
  2. The location of the Provincially Significant Wetland (PSW) Boundary as modified to increase the area of the PSW has been confirmed by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry
  3. The area of the Jeanne d’Arc Blvd. N. Right-of-Way (ROW) that is to be acquired by the landowner of 1015 Tweddle Road must be closed as a public road allowance and consolidated with 1015 Tweddle Road to implement the concept plan. OR should the Road Closure not be approved, the development as shown on the concept plan be modified through the formal Site Plan Control process, whereby the development does not extend onto the Jeanne d’Arc Blvd. N. ROW.
  4. Site Plan approval, tied to submission and approval to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Planning, Real Estate and Economic Development of a site plan identifying building siting, transportation elements on and off-site, public and privately owned public spaces, public easements and rights of way etc. including the following:  
  • A maximum of four point towers with variations in height between 20- and 35-storeys, each on podiums between four- and six-storeys.
  • The tallest buildings on the site with the most direct pedestrian and cycling connections to Trim Station shall be located closest to Tweddle Road.
  • In accordance with the Orléans Corridor Secondary Plan, the grade difference between the public right of way (Jeanne D’Arc) and the ground floors of the proposed development should be minimized (generally level), to support and enhance the public realm and ensure that buildings appropriately frame the street and provide active frontages.
  • Development will incorporate privately-owned public space (POPS), including an area at the intersection of Tweddle and Jeanne d’Arc Boulevard oriented towards the river shoreline. Public views to the river will be maintained, and a connection to the multi-use pathway along Jeanne d’Arc Avenue will be provided.
  • The granting of surface easements over the areas to be developed as POPS in the R5A[2834] zone in a phased manner that follows the sequence of tower build out to provide for 24 Hour access by the public of the areas developed as POPS.
  • Podiums of the towers will frame the adjacent public streets and POPS, with non-residential uses at grade, providing active frontages on all sides to the fullest extent possible.
  • Publicly accessible space providing views of the Ottawa River through the development, and opportunities to link this public space to Tweddle Road with the intent of creating a gateway for pedestrians and cyclists circulating to and from Petrie Island Park.
  • This site is subject to UDRP review.
  • Continuous urban street facades with minimal curb cuts are encouraged.
  • Where possible, access to underground parking should be provided from side streets.
  • Long-term bike parking facilities shall be located in a secure interior parking area with convenient access to the street and pathway network. Short term bike parking facilities shall be provided in convenient, well-lit location; where possible, the facilities should be sheltered.
  1. The Landslide Hazard Risk Assessment is updated to the satisfaction of the Rideau Valley Conservation Authority to reflect accepted methodology for group risk assessment; and
  2. A review is undertaken of whether the site, soil conditions and environmental risks identified can accommodate four towers, which would also require the purchase of remnant right of way from the City, should a fourth building be pursued
2835 (By-law 2022-364) GM[2835]  
  • funeral home
  • place of assembly
  • place of worship
  • Minimum yard setback from a lot line abutting a public street: 3 m
  • Minimum yard setback from all other lot lines: 4 m
  • Minimum width of a landscaped area abutting a mixed use and/or commercial zone: 3 m
  • Minimum parking space rate for a stacked dwelling: 1.0 per dwelling unit
  • Minimum parking space rate for non-residential uses: 3.4 per 100 m2 of GFA
  • For the purposes of Section 104, Shared Parking Provisions, a restaurant use may be calculated at the rate of 3.4 spaces per 100 m2 of GFA
  • Minimum width of a drive aisle providing access to required and
  • provided parking spaces for commercial uses: 6.7 m
  • Minimum width of a landscaped buffer for a parking lot containing 100 or more spaces abutting an O1 zone: 1.5 m
  • The landscaping provisions of Section 110(1) for parking lots do not apply to a shared driveway divided along the common lot line of abutting properties
  • Maximum gross leasable floor area for non-residential uses on a lot less than 4 hectares in area is 9999 m2
2836 (By-law 2022-375) TD3[2836] S468 and TD2[2836] S468    
  • For the purpose of this exception, a tower is that portion of a building over 6 storeys
  • Maximum heights and minimum setbacks for towers are as per S468.
2837 (Reserved for future use)      
2838 (By-law 2022-376) AM10[2838] S469    
  • Section 186(10)(b)(i) does not apply.
  • Minimum required landscaped buffer around a parking lot, when abutting a shared driveway to the north: 0m
Building setbacks and maximum building heights are as per Schedule 469
2839 By-law 2022-365) MC2[2839] H(28) F(2.1) and MC5[2839] H(35) F(2.1)    
  • Despite clauses 192(2)(a) and 192(5)(b)(iv), minimum area of non-residential uses: 1100 m2
  • In the case of a phased development where all phases are shown on a site plan approved pursuant to Section 41 of the Planning Act, each phase itself does not have to comply with required setbacks, provided that those requirements are satisfied upon the completion of all phases of development.
2840 (By-law 2024-96) (By-law 2023-470) (By-law 2022-370 R4Z[2840]
  • Office
  • ancillary to a residential use
  • Minimum rear yard setback: 4.5 m
  • No minimum parking spaces are required for affordable housing dwelling units. For greater clarity, minimum visitor parking space rates still apply.  
  • For the purposes of this exception an ancillary office in an apartment dwelling low-rise is still considered a residential use building
  • Minimum interior side yard setback: 3m
  • Maximum number of walkways: 3
  • Maximum width of a walkway: 8.3m
  • One visitor parking space may be a minimum of 4.6m by 2.4m
  • Lands zoned R4Z[2840] are considered one lot for zoning purposes
  • An Environmental Compliance Approval is required for 58 Capilano in accordance with the Ontario Water Resources Act, 1990 (OWRA).

I Exception number II Applicable zones III Exception Provisions - Additional land uses permitted IV Exception Provisions - Land uses prohibited V Exception Provisions - Provisions
2841 (By-law 2022-372) R3Z[2841] S470    
  1. Minimum front and corner side yard setback: 4.5m
  2. Minimum lot width: 5m
  3. minimum rear yard setback: 9m
  4. Despite Table 139(3), a single driveway with a maximum width of 2.75m is permitted
  5. No additional setback is required for carport and garage entrances
  6. Despite the foregoing, for a townhouse dwelling consisting of 3 principal dwelling units, the setbacks of Schedule 470 apply whether the lots are severed or not.
2842 (Subject to By-law 2022-377) Appeal Received R3WW[2842]    
  • No development is permitted. Development includes construction of buildings and structures, and the construction of surface parking lots and underground structures.
  • Despite the foregoing, for buildings and structures that existed prior to November 9, 2022, the following projections and accessory structures may be constructed:
    1. Projections listed in Section 65 that do not add Gross Floor Area and are above grade;
    2. Accessory structures and buildings listed in Section 55 that do not add Gross Floor Area and are not above grade.
2843 (By-law 2022-368) MD[2843] S471    
  • The lot line that abuts Albert Street is considered the front lot line.
  • A “tower” is considered as that portion of a building above the podium.
  • A podium shall have a minimum of 3 storeys and a maximum of 6 storeys.
  • Maximum permitted building height, maximum permitted number of storeys, and maximum permitted number of towers are as per S471.
  • Mechanical and service equipment penthouses and elevator or stairway penthouses are not permitted to project above the maximum permitted building height.
  • The maximum permitted total floor area for all development is 65,500 m2
  • Minimum interior side yard setback within Area B of Schedule 471: 14.5 m  from the easterly interior side yard for a tower, and 9.0 m in all other cases.
  • Minimum tower separation: 23 m
  • Maximum tower floorplate: 750 m2
  • Minimum aisle width in parking garage: 6.0 m
  • Subsection 193(2) applies to the cumulative total ground floor area of all buildings on the site.
  • For the purpose of Subsection 193(2), the following uses may contribute to the total ground floor area:
  1. A lobby servicing a residential use, limited to a cumulative floor area of 200 m2, provided the lobby is located abutting a façade and has a minimum of 75% glazing;
  2. A mechanical room for a permitted use, limited to 200 m2, provided the mechanical room is located abutting a façade and has a minimum of 75% glazing, and which shall not be required to meet the provisions of Section 193(2)(b); and
  3. Bicycle parking room limited to 100 m2, provided that any portion of the bicycle room abutting a façade has a minimum of 75% glazing.
2844 (By-law 2023-35) R4UB[2844]    
  • Minimum lot area: 232 m2
  • Minimum lot width: 7.6 m
  • Minimum interior side yard setback: 0 m for one side yard and 0.8 m for the other side yard
  • Minimum rear yard setback: 6.5m
  • Section 161(15)(h) does not apply
2845 (By-law 2023-23) R4UB[2845] temporary parking lot  
  • The following applies to a temporary parking lot:
  • Additional parking, restricted to employees of Preston Hardware is permitted in a temporary use parking lot associated with 232 Preston Street (Preston Hardware) for a period of one year, expiring on January 25, 2024.
  • Minimum landscaped buffer for a temporary parking lot on the Larch Street frontage: 0
  • Minimum landscape buffer for a temporary parking lot on the Balsam Street frontage: 1.5 m
2846  (By-law 2023-26) TD1[2846]    
  • minimum width of a private way in a Planned Unit Development for 1-way traffic: 4m
2847 (Subject to By-law 2023-39) Appeal(s) received R4X[2847]  
  • stacked dwellin
  • retirement hom
  • rooming hous
  • townhouse dwelling
  • Minimum front yard setback for 1525 Goth Avenue: 5.0
  • Minimum interior side yard setback on the west side of 1525 Goth Avenue: 3.0 m
  • Minimum parking space rate for a low-rise apartment building: 0.7 per dwelling uni
  • Maximum building height: 2 storeys and 8.5 m
  • The minimum setback for the rear wall of a residential use building to a private way is 0.6 m.
2848 (Subject to By-law 2023-39) Appeal(s) received R4X[2848]  
  • stacked dwellin
  • retirement hom
  • rooming hous
  • townhouse dwellin
  • low-rise apartment building
  • Minimum parking space rate for a group home: 0.6 per dwelling uni
  • Maximum building height: 2 storeys and 8.5 m
  • The minimum setback for the front wall of a residential use building to a private way: 0.6 m.
2849 (By-law 2023-37) LC7[2849] Animal Care Establishment    
2850 (Reserved for future use)      
2851 (Reserved for future use)      
2852 (Reserved for future use)      
2853 (Bylaw 2023-64) R4M[2853]  
  • Rooming House
  • Retirement Home
  • Retirement Home, Converted
  • Apartment Dwelling, Low Rise
  • Stacked dwellings are only permitted within 30 m of Renaud Road.
  • For a PUD of stacked dwellings and townhouse dwellings:
  1. Despite Table 101, the minimum required resident parking for stacked dwelling is 1.0 per residential unit.
2854 (Bylaw 2023-63) MC[2854]  
  • Drive-through Facility
  • Principal use Parking Lots
  • Service and Repair Shop
  • Apartment Dwelling, low rise
  • Apartment Dwelling, mid rise
  • Apartment Dwelling, high rise
  • Diplomatic Mission
  • Dwelling Units
  • Group Home
  • Planned Unit Development
  • Residential Care Facility
  • Retirement Home
  • Retirement Home, converted
  • Rooming House
  • Shelter
  • Stacked Dwelling
  • Townhouse Dwelling
  • Minimum building height: 4 storeys and 14 m
  • Maximum building height: 30 storeys and 94 m
  • Minimum building height does not apply to above grade parking structures.
  • No parking is required
  • For the purpose of the below provisions, a tower is defined as the portion of the building above the podium.
  • Minimum separation between two towers 32 metres in height or greater: 25 m.
  • Buildings on lots that share a lot line with Legget Drive or an internal private street shall have a maximum podium height of 4 storeys and 14 m.
  • Towers are required to have a step back from the podium of the building:
  1. For a building abutting privately owned public space, Legget Drive, or a public park, minimum step back required, including balconies: 3 m; and
  2. In all other cases, minimum step back required, including balconies: 1.5 m.
  • Notwithstanding Section 65 for permitted projections, balconies are not permitted to project beyond the front wall of the podium.
2855 (Bylaw 2023-62) MC[2855] H(18)
  • Automobile service station
  • Car wash, ancillary to a gas bar
  • Gas bar
  • An architectural feature that does not contain any leasable floor area may project above the height limit to a maximum of 23 m.
2856 (Subject to By-law 2023-147) Appeal Received R4Z[2856] S472
  • community centre
  • daycare
  • place of worship
  • Minimum setbacks per Schedule 472
  • Maximum building height for a place of worship, community centre, and day care:15 m
  • Maximum building height of Area A in Schedule 472 is 8.5 m
  • Minimum parking space rate for three-unit dwelling, townhouse dwelling, stacked dwelling, and low-rise apartment dwelling is 0.75 per dwelling unit.
  • Minimum visitor parking space rate is 0.19 per dwelling unit.
  • In the case of a parking garage, or parking lot accessory to a place of worship, community centre, and day care use an aisle serving parking spaces angled at between 56 and 90 degrees must be at least 6 m wide.
  • The minimum setback for any wall of a place of worship, community centre, and day care use building to a private way is 1.8 m.
  • Despite Table 131 (6)(a) and (b), where there is a driveway leading to a parking space a walkway is permitted to extend from the private way back to the principal entrance if the walkway does no exceed 1.2 m and if the walkway is separated from the driveway by at least 0.6 m of soft landscaping.
2857 (By-law 2023-165) MC16[2857] H(20)    
  • Minimum rear yard setback for storeys one to three of a building: 0m.
  • Minimum rear yard setback for the fourth storey of a building: 2.6 m.
  • Asphalt and cement are not permitted, and any provided driveway and parking space must be finished with a permeable surface treatment.
2858 (By-law 2023-156) TM1[2858] H(15)    
  • Despite Section 54, Restaurant, full-service means a restaurant that sells, serves and prepares on-site food and beverages to patrons seated at tables, for consumption on the premises.  
  • Clause 85(3)(b) does not apply.  
2859 (By-law 2023-157) R4UD[2859]-c    
  • The following provisions apply to an Apartment Dwelling, Low Rise:  
  • Rear Yard Setback:  
  1. A portion of the building no wider than 9.5m may be set back a minimum of 2m from the rear lot line;
  2. In all other cases, the minimum required setback from the rear lot line is 8m.
  • The rear yard must comprise at least 7% of the total lot area.
  • The minimum required landscaped area is 26% of the total lot area.
  • Minimum residential parking rate: no minimum.
  • Minimum bicycle parking rate: 1.1 spaces per dwelling unit.
2860 (By-law 2023-159) DR[2860]
  • Community Health and Resource Centre
  • Office

I Exception Number II Applicable Zones III Exception Provisions - Additional Land Uses Permitted IV Exception Provisions - Land Uses Prohibited V Exception Provisions - Provisions
2861 (By-law 2023-158) R4T[2861]-h   All uses except existing uses until the holding symbol is removed
  • Minimum rear yard setback: 3 m
  • Minimum parking space rate for a stacked dwelling unit: 1.1 spaces per dwelling unit
  • The following provisions apply to a nine unit stacked dwelling:
  1. An outdoor refuse container may be located at least 3.5m from a lot line abutting a public street.
  2. No more than one stairway may project within 0 metres of a lot line.
  3. Table 65(6) does not apply to a verandah at the intersection of Klondike and Sandhill Roads.
  • The holding symbol may be removed once the Owner enters into a Development Agreement, or similar agreement, with the City of Ottawa detailing, to the satisfaction of the General Manager of Planning, Real Estate and Economic Development,
  1. the provision of municipal water and sanitary services for the proposed units and
  2. the implementation of a stormwater management system, onsite or offsite, by the Owner or others, as required to achieve the recommendations of the Shirley’s Brook Stormwater Pond ‘C’ design report.
2862 (By-law 2023-161) R5B [2862] H(18)     The following apply to an Apartment Dwelling, Mid Rise:
  • Minimum interior side yard setback: 1.5
  • Minimum rear yard setback: 1.2 m
  • Stairs are permitted to project into the corner side yard to within 0 m of the lot line.
2863 (By-law 2023-162) R4UB[2863]     The following provisions apply to a low-rise apartment dwelling with a maximum of eight units:  
  • Minimum lot width: 9.9m
  • Minimum lot area: 299m2
  • Minimum front yard setback: 4m
  • Minimum rear yard setback: 7m
  • Minimum rear yard area: 23.5% of the total lot area.
  • Minimum interior side yard setback for lot lines abutting another lot zoned R4UB[2863]: 1.2m.
2864 (Reserved for future use)      
2865 (By-law 2023-178) AM10[2865] S473    
  • Maximum building heights, setbacks and stepbacks are as per S473;
  • Section 185(10)(e)(i) does not apply to the ground floor residential uses in a mixed-use building within 10 m of Forest Street;
  • Notwithstanding Table 65(5)(i), an open stairway, stoop, landing, steps or ramps may project to within 0 m of a lot line in a front yard or corner side yard, and there is no projection limit for these features into setbacks shown on S473.
2866 (Reserved for Future Use)      
2867 (By-law 2023-220) R4UB[2867]     The following provisions apply to a low-rise apartment dwelling:  
  • Maximum building height: 11.6m
  • Minimum front yard setback: 3m
  • Minimum western side yard setback: 1.2m
  • Minimum rear setback: 8.1m
  • Minimum rear yard area: 23%
  • Visitor parking spaces required: 0 spaces
  • Maximum number of dwelling units: 26
2868 (By-law 2023-221) TM[2868]    
  • Minimum corner side yard setback: 0m, except for any part of the building above 15m, for which a minimum corner side yard setback of 2m must be provided.
  • Minimum parking space rate is 0.25 spaces per unit after the first 12 dwelling units.
2869 (By-law 2023-223) I1B[2869]     Stacked Dwelling is subject to the following provisions:  
  • Minimum lot width: 18m
  • Minimum lot area: 450m2
  • Minimum front yard setback: 6m
  • Minimum interior side yard setback: 1.5m
  • Maximum building height: 13.5m
  • The minimum required width of a landscaped buffer for a parking lot containing more than 10, but fewer than 100 spaces are as follows:
  1. Abutting the northern property line: 0m
  2. Abutting the southern property line for the first 60m from Moodie Drive: 1.2m
  3. All other cases: 1.5m
2870 (By-law 2023-222) R2N[2870]    
  • An attached garage may be project 0.6m closer to the front lot line than the principal entrance.
  • Minimum Lot area: 205 m2
2871 (Subject to By-law 2023-236) Appeal(s) Received R2N[2871]      
  • Long semi-detached dwelling is subject to the following provisions:
  1. Minimum lot width is 9
  2. Minimum lot area is 270m2
  3. Maximum building height is 9m as measured from existing average grade as defined in Subsection 139(5). Maximum number of storeys is two.
  4. A garbage storage area may be located in the interior side yard when it abuts a pathway of sufficient width, see Section 143(1)(a).
  5. The garbage storage area for a semi-detached dwelling with secondary and/or additional dwelling units can be split into two locations, as long as the cumulative total volume of not less than 3.5m3 with a minimum floor area of not less than 2.0m2 is respected, and each garbage storage area can accommodate their respective unit requirements.
  6. Minimum interior side yard setback for a garbage storage area attached to the buildings is 0.6m.
  7. Minimum number of bicycle spaces is 1 per secondary dwelling unit and/or additional dwelling unit.
2872 (By-law 2023-234) TM7[2872]    
  • Minimum of 22% of the ground floor façade facing the main street, measured from the average grade to a height of 4.5m, must comprise transparent windows; and where ground floor façade is angled on the corner of the building, it is deemed to face the main street.
  • Minimum rear yard setback: 4m
  • An active entrance serving a non-residential use(s) occupying any part of the ground floor can be set back 9.1m from the front wall, and no active entrance for a residential use is required to face the main street.
2873 (By-law 2023-235) R1E[2873]    
  • Minimum rear yard setback: 11m
  • Maximum permitted height for an accessory building: 4.5m
  • Maximum permitted size for an accessory building: Aggregate of all accessory buildings not to exceed a lot coverage of 50% of the yard in which they are located, with a maximum cumulative floor area of 60m2 as measured from the exterior walls of the building
2874 (By-law 2023-235) R3Z[2874]-h
  • Stacked Dwelling
  • All uses until such time that the holding symbol is removed.
  • Minimum lot width for a Planning Unit Development: 11m
  • Minimum interior side yard setback:
  1. Where it abuts the easternmost property line: 5m
  2. Where it abuts the westernmost property line: 3m
  3. Otherwise: for a yard abutting a lot line of an adjacent lot in any zone, the required yard setback is 1.2m for the first 21m back from the front lot line. In all other circumstances, the required yard setback is 6m.
  • The Renaud Road frontage is considered to be the front lot line.
  • Stacked Dwellings are subject to the following provision:
  1. Maximum building height: 11m
  2. Unless modified elsewhere in this exception, the yard setback provisions for townhouses in the R3Z zone apply to stacked dwellings.
  • The holding symbol on the property may not be lifted until:
  1. A Consent application is approved, severing all lands to which this holding provision applies from the lands zoned R1E [2873], to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Planning, Real Estate and Economic Development.
  2. Such time as it is demonstrated to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Planning, Real Estate and Economic Development, that sanitary sewer services are extended to the frontage of the site along Renaud Road, and that sufficient capacity is available to service a proposed development of the lands.
  3. Such time as it is demonstrated to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Planning, Real Estate and Economic Development that there is both the availability of, and the connection to, municipal storm water infrastructure, either through the East Urban Community Pond 1 expansion, or the ultimate construction of the East Urban Community Pond 2.
2875 (By-law 2023-291) R3YY[2875] R3YY[2875]-h   All uses on lands subject to a holding symbol, until such time as the holding symbol is removed.
  • Provisions for detached dwellings:
  1. Minimum lot area: 195m2
  2. Minimum lot width: 8.5m
  3. Minimum front yard setback: 3m
  4. Minimum combined interior side yard setbacks: total 1.8m, with one interior side yard setback no less than 0.6m
  5. Minimum corner side yard setback: 2.5m
  6. Minimum rear yard setback: 6m
  7. Minimum setback between the vehicular entrance to a private garage or carport and an existing or planned sidewalk is 5.7m
  8. The area of the driveway does not exceed 55% of the yard in which it is located.
  • Provisions for townhouse dwellings:
  1. Minimum lot area: 120m2
  2. Minimum lot width: 5.7m
  3. Minimum front yard setback: 3m
  4. Minimum interior side yard setback: 1.2m
  5. Minimum corner side yard setback: 2.5m
  6. Minimum rear yard setback: 6m
  7. An air conditioner is permitted as a projection into a corner side yard.
  8. Minimum setback between the vehicular entrance to a private garage or carport and an existing or planned sidewalk is 5.7m
  • The holding symbol may not be lifted until the design for 5618 Hazeldean Abbott’s Run Pond 1 is reviewed and approved by the City of Ottawa through the detailed design review process, and until such time as the Pond and storm sewer within Robert Grant Avenue is constructed and functioning to the satisfaction of the General Manager of the Planning, Real Estate, and Economic Development Department.
2876 (By-law 2023-291) R3YY[2876]    
  • Provisions for townhouse dwellings:
  1. Minimum lot area: 100m2
  2. Minimum lot width: 5.7m
  3. Minimum front yard setback: 3m
  4. Minimum interior side yard setback: 1.2m
  5. Minimum corner side yard setback: 2.5m
  6. Minimum rear yard setback: 3m
  • All lot lines abutting Robert Grant Avenue or Abbott Street East, where applicable, are deemed the front lot lines.
  • For any lots abutting both Abbott Street east and Robert Grant Avenue, the setback for yards abutting these streets is to be a minimum of 3m, and the lot line adjacent to the roundabout is to be considered the front lot line.
  • Where a lot contains a dwelling and a parking space is accessed from a driveway within the rear yard, a maximum of 86% of the area of the rear yard, or the required minimum width of one parking space, whichever is greater, maybe used for a driveway.
  • An air conditioner is permitted as a projection into the corner side yard.
2877 (By-law 2023-285) IL5[2877] H(30)
  • Recreational and Athletic Facility
  • School
  • Off-street parking may encroach up to 8.8 m into the minimum required corner side yard.  
  • A school is only permitted within a recreational and athletic facility existing as of March 9, 2023.
2878 (By-law 2023-287) MC12[2878]    
  • Minimum front yard setback for one-storey portion of building: 2.4m
  • Minimum interior side yard setback for podium on the east side: 1.8m
  • Minimum rear setback for one-storey portion of building: 1.2m
  • Maximum building height: 89m
  • Maximum number of storeys: 25
  • Each floor of the tower portion of a building, which includes any portion above the fourth floor, must not have a total floor area larger than 750m2.
  • Schedules 99 & 100 do not apply.
2879 (By-law 2023-288) GM[2879] H(15)
  • Park
  • Nightclub
  • Drive-through facility
2880 (By-law 2023-292) R2P[2880]    
  • Minimum Lot Area: 132 m2
  • Minimum setback along Old Sunset Boulevard: 2.5 m
  • Minimum setback along Madawaska Drive: 3 m
  • Section 144(6) does not apply.
  • Entrance to a Secondary Dwelling Unit is permitted to be located at the basement level.
  • Above-grade portions of the sunken balcony along the east side of the building are permitted to be located 0 m from the corner side property line.
  • The lands zoned R2P[2880] are to be considered one lot for zoning purposes.

I Exception Number II Applicable Zones III Exception Provisions - Additional Land Uses Permitted IV Exception Provisions - Land Uses Prohibited V Exception Provisions - Provisions
2881 (By-law 2023-307) R4UD[2881]    
  • Minimum lot width: 10.1m  
  • Minimum rear yard setback: 7m  
  • Minimum rear yard area: 11% of the lot area.  
  • For any part of the building within the first 22.22m of the front lot line, the minimum interior side yard setback is:
  1. 0.3m from the east side lot line.
  2. 0.06m the west side lot line.
  • Despite any provision to the contrary, for any part of the building beyond the first 22.22m of the front lot line, the minimum interior side yard setback is:
  1. 1.8m from the east side lot line.
  2. 0.7m from the west side lot line.
  • Section 161(16)(b) does not apply.  
  • Minimum bicycle parking rate: 1.75 spaces per dwelling unit.  
  • Minimum residential parking rate: no minimum.  
  • Minimum visitor parking rate: no minimum.  
  • Minimum parking rate for an office use existing as per the date of the passing of this bylaw: no minimum.
2882 By-law 2023-307) R4UD[2882]    
  • Maximum building height: 15.5m
  • Minimum rear yard setback: 5.1m
  • Minimum rear yard area: 9% of the lot area.
  • For any part of the building within the first 35.21m of the front lot line, the minimum interior side yard setback is:
  1. 3.5m from the east side lot line
  2. 1.3m from the west side lot line.
  • Despite any provision to the contrary, for any part of the building beyond the first 35.21m of the front lot line, the minimum interior side yard setback is:
  1. 1.5m from the east side lot line.
  2. 4.2m from the west side lot line.
  • Despite Table 137(1), a communal amenity area does not need to be located at grade and in the rear yard, and a rooftop communal amenity area is permitted.
  • Minimum parking rate for a rooming house: no minimum
  • Minimum bicycle parking rate: 0.5 spaces per rooming unit.
2883 (By-law 2023-308) MC[2883] H(16)     The minimum setback for any wall of a residential use building to a private way in a Planned Unit Development is 1.5m
2884 (By-law 2023-309) R5B[2884] S474    
  • Maximum building heights, setbacks and stepbacks are as per S474;  
  • The following provisions apply to an Apartment Building, low-rise:
  1. Permitted projections listed in S.64 and S.65 are not subject to the height limits set out in S474.  
  2. Area A on S474 permits a projection above the height limit that may include indoor amenity rooms with associated washroom facilities with a maximum cumulative floor area of 350m2 and a maximum projection above the height limit of 4.5m.  
  3. Minimum bicycle parking: 1.3 spaces per unit.  
  4. Off-street motor vehicle parking is not required for an apartment building of no more than 290 dwelling units.  
  5. Up to 5 required visitor parking spaces can be used either for visitor parking or as car-sharing spaces.  
  6. Minimum width of landscaped buffer for a parking lot: 0m.  
  7. Despite S. 94(3), up to 7 parking spaces may be provided as car-sharing spaces.  
  8. A maximum of 2 front yard parking spaces are permitted along des Oblats Avenue, but are limited to car-share parking spaces only.
2885 (By-law 2023-310) R4UB[2885]     For a low-rise apartment, maximum of 12 units, the minimum rear yard setback is 7.6m
2886 (By-law 2023-311) IL[2886]
  • Retail store, limited to a pharmacy
  • Maximum gross floor area of a retail store: 80m2
2887 (By-law 2023-312) TD2[2887]    
  • Over 6 storeys: the minimum western setback is 7m and the minimum setback for all other sides is 12m.  
  • Maximum Height: 61m
2888 (By-law 2024-89) (By-law 2023-336) TD3[2888] H(97)    
  • For the purposes of zoning interpretation, the lot line that abuts St. Laurent Boulevard is deemed to be the front lot line.  
  • Minimum front yard setback: 8m  
  • Minimum setback for all other lot lines: 0m  
  • Maximum number of storeys: 30  
  • Indoor rooftop amenity areas are considered to be permitted projections above the height limit, and may project up to 4.5m above the height limit, with a maximum cumulative gross floor area of 300m2 within all buildings in this exception provision.
  • Section 195(6) does not apply.
  • Despite Section 195(7), where two buildings on the same lot are both more than 7-storeys in height, that part of the buildings greater than 7-storeys tall must be a minimum of 20 metres away from each other.
  • Outdoor communal space at the 2nd storey can be counted toward the requirements of Section 195(8).
  • Despite Section 195(12)(b)(ii), the maximum building setback from an active frontage street on Schedule 294 shall be:
  1. Residential use buildings: 8.5m
  2. Non-residential and mixed-use building: 8.5m
  • Section 196(3)(e) does not apply.
2889 (By-law 2023-337) IL2[2889] H(14)
  • Automobile service station
  • Automobile bod2890y shop
  • Outdoor storage limited to modular shipping containers is permitted.
2890 (By-law 2023-339) IH[2890]    
  • minimum setback from the northwestern side lot line: 3m
2891 (By-law 2024-185) (By-law 2023-340) R5B[2891] H(35)    
  • Lands zoned as R5B[2891] H(35) and R5B[2892] S475 are to be treated as one lot for zoning purposes for the application of floor space index, lot width, lot area, and parking provisions.
  • Lands zoned as R5B[2891] H(35) are to be treated as one lot for zoning purposes for the application of rear yard setback.
  • Minimum parking space rate is 0.18 spaces per dwelling unit.
  • Minimum of 12 visitor parking spaces are to be provided.
  • Maximum floor space index: 3.6
  • Minimum lot width provisions do not apply.
  • Minimum rear yard setback: 3m  
  • Minimum communal amenity area requirement is 19% of total amenity area required.
2892 (By-law 2024-185) (By-law 2023-340) R5B[2892] S475    
  • Lands zoned as R5B[2891] H(35) and R5B[2892] S475 are to be treated as one lot for zoning purposes for the application of floor space index, lot width, lot area, and parking provisions.
  • Minimum parking space rate is 0.18 spaces per dwelling unit.
  • Minimum of 12 visitor parking spaces are to be provided.
  • Maximum floor space index: 3.6.
  • Minimum lot width provisions do not apply.
  • Maximum building heights, setbacks, and stepbacks are as per Schedule 475.
  • Minimum aisle width for the parking garage: 4.5m.
  • Maximum permitted width for a double traffic lane that is part of a driveway providing access to a parking garage: 6m.
2893 (By-law 2023-344) TD1[2893]    
  • Minimum parking space rate for an apartment dwelling, mid-rise is 0.19 spaces per unit.
2894 (Reserved for future use)      
2895 (By-law 2023-379) R5B[2895] S477-c
  • Catering establishment
  • Community health and resource centre
  • Day care
  • Instructional facility
  • Medical facility
  • Personal service business
  • Service and repair shop
  • Retail store
  • Retail food store
  • Convenience store
  • Minimum building setbacks, stepbacks and maximum height are as per Schedule 477.
  • Minimum vehicle parking rate: 0.16 spaces per dwelling unit.
  • No off-street motor vehicle parking is required to be provided for the first 12 dwelling units.
  • Minimum bicycle parking space rate: 1 per dwelling unit.
  • Minimum width of a driveway providing access to a parking garage: 5.5m
  • Section 111(11) does not apply.
  • Maximum cumulative total gross floor area of all non-residential uses in a building: 120m2
  • Maximum size of an outdoor commercial patio: 65m2
  • Section 163(12)(c) does not apply.
2896 (Reserved for future use)      
2897 (By-law 2023-381) R4Z[2897]     - For a back-to-back townhouse:
  1. Maximum height: 14 m
  2. Minimum lot area: 80 m2
  3. air conditioner condensers may project into the front yard.
2898 (By-law 2023-381) R4Z[2898]S479     - For a back-to-back townhouse:
  1. Maximum height: 14 m
  2. Minimum lot area: 80 m2
  3. air conditioner condensers may project into the front yard.
  4. Where located on Schedule 479, the minimum setbacks from lot lines abutting a street are as per S479.
2899 (By-law 2023-382) IL[2899] - detached dwelling - all uses except office and warehouse
  • minimum interior side yard setback: 0.8 metres for the west side to an industrial use building
  • minimum rear yard setback: 5 m
2900 (By-law 2023-383) TM[2900] S480    
  • Maximum permitted building heights, minimum setbacks, and minimum stepbacks are as per Schedule 480.
  • Drive aisle width:
  1. For any part of the underground parking garage within 16m of the rear lot line, the minimum width of a drive aisle is 5.2m.
  2. In all other cases, the minimum drive aisle width is 5.8m.
  • No minimum landscaped area along the most western side lot line abutting a residential zone as per Schedule 480.
  • An awning or canopy at the height of the ground floor may project up to 0m of the front lot line.
  • Minimum bicycle parking rate: 1.75 spaces per dwelling unit