Point-in-Time Count

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Background and approach

A Point-in-Time (PiT) Count is a one-day snapshot of homelessness in the community.

City staff and community partners work together to survey people experiencing homelessness in Ottawa. So far, the City has led two counts:

  • April 2018
  • October 2021

The data collected helps us better understand the scope of homelessness in our community and the needs of those experiencing homelessness. The goal of this work is to guide new approaches to address homelessness at a local level and help in the planning and delivery of services.


Convenience sampling was used to recruit survey respondents. This method of recruiting respondents to answer the survey does not rely on a random selection process. Instead, surveyors approach potential respondents if they are close by at the time the surveyor is delivering the questionnaire. Many factors could determine participation in the survey including:

  • Number of community partners involved in the PiT count
  • Location of surveyors and their physical proximity to potential respondents
  • Number of engagement events
  • Season the survey was conducted

Differences in results between PiT count years may be due to changes within the homeless population and shifts in methodology. For comparisons of emergency shelter use over time, visit the Temporary Emergency Accommodations Dashboard.

An analysis of factors related to housing and homelessness during COVID-19 provides context for unique housing market conditions during the pandemic.


Dashboard: Survey results for Point-in-Time counts

Results shown in the Survey results: Point-in-Time count dashboard are presented by sector. The name and definition of each sector are below:

  • All: All respondents who answered the survey
  • Single adult: Respondents aged 25 years or older and not accompanied by anyone
  • Single youth: Respondents under 25 years old and not accompanied by anyone
  • Family: Respondents accompanied by children under 18 years old

To download the data, visit Open Ottawa. 

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To enter the Power BI report from the Survey results: Point-in-Time count dashboard by using a keyboard, press Tab once after the 'full screen view' link and then press Ctrl + Enter. A small box will appear in the top left corner of the report. Press Tab three times to navigate through the options and you will then be inside the report.


Having trouble viewing the Dashboard? Try viewing the Survey results: Point-in-Time count dashboard in full-screen mode.