Current engagement opportunities

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Engage Ottawa

The City of Ottawa wants your input on the projects, policies, programs, and services that affect your daily life. From open houses to workshops and online engagement opportunities, your feedback helps to shape City decisions.

The City offers residents a variety of opportunities to engage, share information and collaborate. You can weigh in on different online engagement opportunities using the City’s new innovative engagement platform, Engage Ottawa.

Ongoing engagement opportunities

Online engagement

  • City Budget 2025

    • It’s your city, your budget, and we want to hear from you! The City of Ottawa engages with residents each year to gather ideas and feedback as it drafts the budget for City Council’s consideration. You have many opportunities to provide your input on items reflected in the budget year-round through your Councillor’s office, committee meetings, social media, contacting 3-1-1 and scheduled engagement opportunities during the budget process.

      Your feedback helps inform the City’s budget priorities and contributes to decisions about investing in a sustainable, secure, and prosperous city for all.

  • E-cargo Bike Pilot Project Survey

    • The Province of Ontario's Bill 282 (Moving Ontarians More Safely Act) defines power-assisted bicycles (e-bikes) based on the unladen weight of the bicycle. E-bikes that weigh more than 55 kilograms are now considered e-cargo bikes. Ontario has a pilot program underway to allow e-cargo bikes to be used for the movement of goods and people, both personally and commercially. Ottawa City Council approved participation in the Cargo Power-Assisted Bicycles (E-Cargo Bike) Pilot Project in 2021.

      The City of Ottawa is participating in the pilot program so that residents and businesses have the option of using e-cargo bikes instead of trucks, vans and cars. This supports the City’s objectives of encouraging more active and sustainable transportation and goods movement. Personal e-cargo bikes can help to fulfill families’ and households’ daily needs without a car. Commercial e-cargo bikes will be able to replace standard delivery trucks in dense urban environments. E-cargo bikes provide a promising opportunity to reduce traffic pressure on City streets and to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

  • Residential Protective Plumbing Program (RPPP) and By-law Review

    • The City’s 2022 Climate Change Vulnerability and Risk Assessment has identified increasing intensity and volume of precipitation as a priority risk. With this risk comes an increased likelihood of basement flooding which can result in expensive repairs and losses, and disruption of our daily lives.

      The RPPP provides financial assistance for property owners to install protective plumbing devices that help reduce the likelihood of basement flooding and prevent storm water from entering residential properties.

      The frequency and severity of extreme weather events are increasing; therefore, staff are proposing several Program amendments to help ensure the City is providing residents with the proper supports to better protect their properties from basement flooding.

  • Sewer Use By-law review 

    • The City of Ottawa is conducting a review of its Sewer Use (By-law No. 2003-514)

      The Sewer Use By-law regulates wastewater discharges to the sewer system. This ensures prohibited substances are not discharged into the water environment, and industrial facilities do not discharge pollutants that cannot be treated at the City’s wastewater treatment plant. The By-law is also meant to help businesses understand their impact on the environment, their responsibilities, and the resources available to help them comply with the Sewer Use By-law.

  • Sandy Hill Community Centre Redevelopment - Potential concept plans

    • Councillor Plante's Office along with the City of Ottawa’s Recreational, Cultural and Facility Planning Department are looking for input on the potential improvements and renovation to the Sandy Hill Community Centre, located at 250 Somerset St. East in Ward 12 – Rideau-Vanier.

      In 2022, the City of Ottawa conducted an Engage Ottawa Community Survey on how the Sandy Hill Community Centre should potentially be renovated and improved. The feedback has been considered and the City has developed two(2) potential concept plans to expand and renovate the existing facility. The concept plans show the addition of a full-size gymnasium with associated amenities, a new universal washroom, and improvements to the existing main hall, existing upper-level kitchen and existing lower-level gallery.

  • City of Ottawa Older Adult Plan Consultation

    • Ottawa’s population is growing, changing, and aging. According to the 2021 Census, (External link)37% of Ottawa’s population is over the age of 50 and represents the fastest-growing age group, with those over 85 and over 100 showing particularly significant increases. In 2021, there were 172,150 older adults over the age of 65 in Ottawa, making up 17% of the population. There are now more older adults than children under 15, and by 2030, it is estimated that one in five adults will be aged 65 and over. 

  • Urban Expansion in Future Neighbourhoods

    • The City of Ottawa is growing through the expansion and creation of new neighbourhoods across the City.

      In late 2022, The Province and City approved the new Official Plan(External link) that identified new growth areas to accommodate new housing, industry, businesses, parks and cultural assets. 

      Each of these areas will undergo a planning process in keeping with the guidelines for new plan development. This includes environmental, engineering and related background studies, context specific information and public engagement. As each plan area has its own challenges and opportunities, terms of reference have been created to ensure appropriate and sufficient information is gathered to plan each area sensitive to the surrounding neighbourhoods, contexts and to ensure each area is in keeping with the larger goals of the Official Plan.

  • Lansdowne 2.0
    • Lansdowne is a place of history and civic pride. For over 175 years, it has been a gathering place for neighbours, residents of Eastern Ontario and Western Québec, and for tourists from across Canada and around the world. It is a place of connection and celebration for sports, cultural and community eventsIn 2012, City Council entered into a 30-year partnership (now a 40-year partnership) with the Ottawa Sports and Entertainment Group (OSEG) for the renewal and revitalization of Lansdowne with a new South Stadium Stands, new mixed-use retail and reimagined public realm spaces and subterranean parking.
  • Climate Resiliency Strategy
    • The City is developing a Climate Resiliency Strategy to assess how Ottawa is vulnerable to climate change and identify strategies to mitigate the greatest climate risks.

Engagement events

New Roundabout at Jeanne d’Arc and Fortune Drive/ Vineyard Drive and Accompanying Bus Bay Infrastructure


Public Information Session: April 29th, 7 to 9 pm

Bob MacQuarrie Recreation Complex 1490 Youville Drive, Orléans, ON K1C 2X8

To provide safe bus connections to the new Jeanne d’Arc O-Train Station, the need for a new roundabout at the intersection of Jeanne d’Arc and Fortune Drive/Vineyard Drive, as well as a new bus bay further south on Jeanne d’Arc Boulevard has been identified. 

The project website will be regularly updated as new information is available, including timelines, design plans, and further details.