Riley Brockington (Ward 16) - Disclosure of office expenses (2022-2026 Term of Council)

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Riley Brockington (Ward 16) – Disclosure of office expenses 2023

January 2023

Summary of monthly expenses
Category (summary) Month Total Year Total
Special Events, Community Receptions and Hospitality 333 333
Donations and Sponsorships 0 0
Memberships 0 0
City Related Business Travel 0 0
Constituent Communications and Web Services  Includes websites, printing, mailing, advertising 598 598
External Services  Includes office assistance and consulting services 0 0
Materials, Office Supplies and Related Services Includes office, computer supplies, facility rentals 384 384
Staff Costs 11,944 11,944
Recoveries 0 0
Totals 13,259 13,259
Total Budget   282,583
  List of itemized expenses
Category (details) Totals
Special Events, Community Receptions and Hospitality 333
Community event: "River Ward Holiday Dinner" – supplies and location rental – Hunt Club Riverside Park Community Centre – Dec. 22, 2022 333
Donations and Sponsorships 0
Memberships 0
City Related Business Travel 0
 Other expenses
Other Business Travel Covered by Other Departments Department Month Total Year total
AMO Board Meeting – Toronto, ON – Nov. 24, 2022 Flight cancelled due to weather. Non-refundable hotel and local transportation to and from airport paid by the Office of the City Clerk 328 328
 Other expenses
Other Business Travel Covered by Other Departments Department Month Total Year total
AMO – MOU Meeting – Toronto, ON – Nov. 30-Dec. 1, 2022 Flights, hotel, local transportation and per diem paid by the Office of the City Clerk 1,091 1,419

February 2023

Summary of monthly expenses
Category (summary) Month Total Year Total
Special Events, Community Receptions and Hospitality 424 757
Donations and Sponsorships 3,581 3,581
Memberships 0 0
City Related Business Travel 998 998
Constituent Communications and Web Services  Includes websites, printing, mailing, advertising 929 1,528
External Services  Includes office assistance and consulting services 504 504
Materials, Office Supplies and Related Services Includes office, computer supplies, facility rentals 238 622
Staff Costs 10,595 22,539
Recoveries 0 0
Totals 17,269 30,528
Total Budget   282,583
 List of itemized expenses
Category (details) Totals
Special Events, Community Receptions and Hospitality 424
Community event: "River Ward Movie Night" – food, refreshments and supplies - Alexander Community Centre – Feb. 10, 2023 218
Hospitality: Breakfast at Broadways Bar and Grill Central for Councillor Brockington's "Annual River Ward Breakfast for Community Association Presidents and Vice-Presidents" – 12 guests – Feb. 3, 2023 206
Donations and Sponsorships 3,581
Sponsorship: Carlington Community Association - "CCA Merry and Bright Contest - Dec. 10-14, 2022 200
Sponsorship: Ottawa Safety Council – Adult Crossing Guard at Anna Avenue and Merivale Road – Nov-Dec. 2022 and Jan-Feb. 2023 (Council Motion 2022-84-13) 3,381
Memberships 0
City Related Business Travel 0
Other expenses
Other Business Travel Covered by Other Departments Department Month Total Year total
AMO Board Meeting – Toronto, ON – Jan. 26-27, 2023 Flights, airport parking, hotel and per diem paid by the City Clerk and Solicitor 998 2,417

March 2023

Summary of monthly expenses
Category (summary) Month Total Year Total
Special Events, Community Receptions and Hospitality 703 1,460
Donations and Sponsorships 2,000 5,581
Memberships 0 0
City Related Business Travel 560 1,558
Constituent Communications and Web Services  Includes websites, printing, mailing, advertising 208 1,736
External Services  Includes office assistance and consulting services 1,013 1,516
Materials, Office Supplies and Related Services Includes office, computer supplies, facility rentals 227 848
Staff Costs 15,149 37,688
Recoveries 0 0
Totals 19,860 50,387
Total Budget   282,583
List of itemized expenses
Category (details) Totals
Special Events, Community Receptions and Hospitality 703
Community event: "St Pius X City of Ottawa Trade Show – supplies – St Pius X High School – Mar. 2, 2023 36
Community event: "Trivia Night Carlington vs Hintonburg" – supplies – Alexander Community Centre – Mar. 4, 2023 522
Community event: "River Ward Movie Matinee" – food, refreshments and supplies – Hunt Club Riverside Park Community Centre – Mar. 26, 2023 145
Donations and Sponsorships 2,000
Sponsorship: The REACH Centre to purchase furniture for the facility's new expansion – Mar. 2023 2,000
Memberships 0
City Related Business Travel 560
Conference: “Rural Ontario Municipal Assocation Conference” – flights, hotel, local transportation and per diem – Toronto, ON – Jan. 22-23, 2023 560
 Other expenses
Other Business Travel Covered by Other Departments Month Total Year Total
No other city related business travel to declare this month 0 2,417

April 2023

Summary of monthly expenses
Category (summary) Month Total Year Total
Special Events, Community Receptions and Hospitality 533 1,993
Donations and Sponsorships 1,569 7,150
Memberships 0 0
City Related Business Travel 0 1,558
Constituent Communications and Web Services  Includes websites, printing, mailing, advertising 928 2,664
External Services  Includes office assistance and consulting services 0 1,516
Materials, Office Supplies and Related Services Includes office, computer supplies, facility rentals 116 965
Staff Costs 11,579 49,267
Recoveries 0 0
Totals 14,725 65,113
Total Budget   282,583
 List of itemized expenses
Category (details) Totals
Special Events, Community Receptions and Hospitality 533
Community event: "River Ward Community Breakfast" – food, refreshments and supplies – Alexander Community Centre – Apr. 8, 2023 439
Community event: "Trivia Night Carlington vs Hintonburg" – supplies – Alexander Community Centre – Mar. 4, 2023 9
Special event: "Annual Spring Luncheon 2023, Council on Aging" – ticket for R. Brockington – St Elia Centre – Apr. 25, 2023 85
Donations and Sponsorships 1,569
Sponsorship: Debra Dynes Family House – "Raise a Smile Online Auction" – virtual event - Apr. 22 to May 3, 2023 50
Sponsorship: Ottawa Safety Council – Adult Crossing Guard at Anna Avenue and Merivale Road – Nov-Dec. 2022 and Jan-Feb. 2023 (Council Motion 2022-84-13) 1,519
Memberships 0
City Related Business Travel 0
 Other expenses
Other Business Travel Covered by Other Departments Department Month Total Year total
AMO Board Meeting – Toronto, ON – Mar. 23-25, 2023 Flights, airport parking, hotel and per diem covered by the office of the City Clerk 700 3,117

May 2023

Summary of monthly expenses
Category (summary) Month Total Year Total
Special Events, Community Receptions and Hospitality 867 2,860
Donations and Sponsorships 2,122 9,272
Memberships 0 0
City Related Business Travel 0 1,558
Constituent Communications and Web Services  Includes websites, printing, mailing, advertising 6,385 9,049
External Services  Includes office assistance and consulting services 95 1,611
Materials, Office Supplies and Related Services Includes office, computer supplies, facility rentals 154 1,119
Staff Costs 13,659 62,926
Recoveries 0 0
Totals 23,282 84,204
Total Budget   282,583
 List of itemized expenses
Category (details) Totals
Special Events, Community Receptions and Hospitality 867
Community event: "River Ward Community Breakfast" – supplies – Alexander Community Centre – Apr. 8, 2023 67
Community event: "Jazz Concert" – supplies – Alexander Community Centre – Apr. 29, 2023 20
Community event: "Mother's Day High Tea" – supplies – Hunt Club Riverside Park Community Centre – May 13, 2023 404
Special event: "19th Festival of Friendship Annual Dinner" – ticket for R. Brockington – St Elias Banquet Centre – Apr. 30, 2023 76
Special event: "St. Pat's Kitchen Party 2023" – tickets for R. Brockington and A. Boomgaardht – Horticulture Building – Apr. 30, 2023 300
Donations and Sponsorships 2,122
Sponsorship: Ottawa Safety Council – Adult Crossing Guard at Anna Avenue and Merivale Road – March and April 2023 (Council Motion 2022-84-13) 2,122
Memberships 0
City Related Business Travel 0
 Other expenses
Other Business Travel Covered by Other Departments Department Month Total Year total
AMO Memorandum of Understanding Meeting (MOU) - Toronto, ON - May 11, 2023 Flights, hotel, local transportation and per diem paid for by the Office of the City Clerk 863 3,980

June 2023

Summary of monthly expenses
Category (summary) Month Total Year Total
Special Events, Community Receptions and Hospitality 997 3,857
Donations and Sponsorships 2,975 12,247
Memberships 0 0
City Related Business Travel 0 1,558
Constituent Communications and Web Services  Includes websites, printing, mailing, advertising 5,030 14,079
External Services  Includes office assistance and consulting services 200 1,811
Materials, Office Supplies and Related Services Includes office, computer supplies, facility rentals 679 1,798
Staff Costs 11,682 74,608
Recoveries 0 0
Totals 21,562 109,958
Total Budget   282,583
 List of itemized expenses
Category (details) Totals
Special Events, Community Receptions and Hospitality 997
Community event: "Commemorative Naming Anita and David Mitchell Weight Room" – refreshments – Hunt Club Riverside Park Community Centre – Aug. 18, 2022 -3
Special event: "Gold Plate Dinner" – tickets for R. Brockington and A. Boomgaardt – Hellenic Event Centre – Jun. 1, 2023 1,000
Donations and Sponsorships 2,975
Sponsorship: Carleton Heights Area Residents Association – "CHARA Community BBQ" – Carleton Heights Community Centre – Jun. 27, 2023 2,000
Sponsorship: Clifford Bowey Public School – "Graduation Ceremony 2023" – refreshments – Clifford Bowey Public School – Jun. 16, 2023 100
Sponsorship: Central Park Community Association – "CPCA's Family Fun Day and Movie Night events" – Summer 2023 725
Sponsorship: Hunt Club Community Association – in support of beautification of the neighbourhood initiatives 150
Memberships 0
City Related Business Travel 0
 Other expenses
Other Business Travel Covered by Other Departments Month Total Year Total
No other city related business travel to declare this month 0 3,980

July 2023

Summary of monthly expenses
Category (summary) Month Total Year Total
Special Events, Community Receptions and Hospitality 577 4,434
Donations and Sponsorships 3,181 15,428
Memberships 0 0
City Related Business Travel 0 1,558
Constituent Communications and Web Services  Includes websites, printing, mailing, advertising 1,944 16,023
External Services  Includes office assistance and consulting services 1,343 3,154
Materials, Office Supplies and Related Services Includes office, computer supplies, facility rentals 373 2,171
Staff Costs 9,762 84,370
Recoveries 0 0
Totals 17,180 127,138
Total Budget   282,583
 List of itemized expenses
Category (details) Totals
Special Events, Community Receptions and Hospitality 577
Hospitality: Food for meeting with R. Brockington and OPL and Community Associations – Hunt Club-Riverside Park Community Centre – Jun. 15, 2023 5
Community event: "River Ward Mother's Day High Tea" – food and supplies – Hunt Club Riverside Park Community Centre – May 13, 2023 460
Community event: "Carlington Wading Pool Special Event Day" – popsicles – Carlington Wading Pool – Jul. 11, 2023 20
Community event: "W.E. Gowling Community Event" – refreshments – W.E Gowling Public School – Jun. 17, 2023 15
Hospitality: Breakfast meeting at Broadway Bar & Grill with R. Brockington and M. Qaqish to discuss ward issues – Jun. 21, 2023 29
Community event: "Carleton Heights and Area Resident Association community BBQ" – cookies – Carleton Heights and Area Resident Association Community Association – Jun. 27, 2023 15
Community event: "'Central Park Family Fun Day Event" – refreshments – Celebration Park – Jul. 15, 2023 33
Donations and Sponsorships 3,181
Donation: "30th Annual Tim Hortons Ottawa Dragon Boat Festival" – gift card for silent auction – Mooney’s Bay in Ottawa – Jun. 22-25, 2023 100
Donation: Clifford Bowey Public School – "Graduation Ceremony 2023" – refreshments – Clifford Bowey Public School – Jun. 16, 2023 100
Sponsorship: Madonna della Risurrenzione – "Madonna della Risurrenzione Annual Festival" – Madonna della Risurrenzione Parish – Aug. 12-13, 2023 500
Sponsorship: Ottawa Safety Council – Adult Crossing Guard at Anna Avenue and Merivale Road – May and June 2023 (Council Motion 2022-84-13) 2,481
Memberships 0
City Related Business Travel 0
 Other expenses
Other Business Travel Covered by Other Departments Department Month Total Year total
AMO Memorandum of Understanding Meeting (MOU) - Toronto, ON - Jun. 22-23, 2023 Flights, hotel, car rental, gas, parking and per diem paid for by the Office of the City Clerk 769 4,749

August 2023

Summary of monthly expenses
Category (summary) Month Total Year Total
Special Events, Community Receptions and Hospitality 82 4,516
Donations and Sponsorships 1,075 16,503
Memberships 0 0
City Related Business Travel 0 1,558
Constituent Communications and Web Services  Includes websites, printing, mailing, advertising 2,016 18,038
External Services  Includes office assistance and consulting services 0 3,154
Materials, Office Supplies and Related Services Includes office, computer supplies, facility rentals 693 2,864
Staff Costs 12,254 96,624
Recoveries 0 0
Totals 16,120 143,258
Total Budget   282,583
 List of itemized expenses
Category (details) Totals
Special Events, Community Receptions and Hospitality 82
Community event: "Wading Pool Popsicles Special Events Day" – popsicles – Alexander Community Centre – Jul. 14, 2023 47
Community event: "Wading Pool Popsicles Special Events Day" – popsicles – Bellevue Park – Jul. 19, 2023 20
Community event: "Commemorative Naming Anita and David Mitchell Weight Room" – food and refreshments – Hunt Club Riverside Park Community Centre – Aug. 18, 2023 16
Donations and Sponsorships 1,075
Sponsorship: Riverside Park Community Association – "Community BBQ" – Paget Park – Sept. 9, 2023 75
Sponsorship: Hunt Club Community Association – "Fall Festival 2023" – McCarthy Park – Sept.9, 2023 1,000
Memberships 0
City Related Business Travel 0
 Other expenses
Other Business Travel Covered by Other Departments Month Total Year Total
No other city related business travel to declare this month 0 4,749

September 2023

Summary of monthly expenses
Category (summary) Month Total Year Total
Special Events, Community Receptions and Hospitality 18 4,534
Donations and Sponsorships 0 16,503
Memberships 0 0
City Related Business Travel 0 1,558
Constituent Communications and Web Services  Includes websites, printing, mailing, advertising 1,680 19,718
External Services  Includes office assistance and consulting services 1,323 4,477
Materials, Office Supplies and Related Services Includes office, computer supplies, facility rentals 367 3,231
Staff Costs 10,935 107,559
Recoveries 0 0
Totals 14,323 157,581
Total Budget   282,583
 List of itemized expenses
Category (details) Totals
Special Events, Community Receptions and Hospitality 18
Community event: "Fall Festival" – food – Hunt Club-Riverside Park – Sept. 9, 2023 18
Donations and Sponsorships 0
Memberships 0
City Related Business Travel 0
 Other expenses
Other Business Travel Covered by Other Departments Month Total Year Total
No other city related business travel to declare this month 0 4,749

Riley Brockington (Ward 16) – Disclosure of office expenses 2022

November 2022

The 2022-2026 term of Council began on November 15, 2022. Expenses outlined in the following November table may reflect expenses from both the previous term and from this term of Council for the purpose of public disclosure. It is noted the applicable expenses were appropriately allocated from the Member’s 2022 and 2023 Council-approved budgets.

Category (summary) Month Total Year Total
Summary of monthly expenses
Special Events, Community Receptions and Hospitality 0 2,707
Donations and Sponsorships 1,672 22,547
Memberships 0 30
City Related Business Travel 0 0
Constituent Communications and Web Services   Includes websites, printing, mailing, advertising 2,329 25,897
External Services   Includes office assistance and consulting services 0 328
Materials, Office Supplies and Related Services Includes office, computer supplies, facility rentals 0 2,126
Staff Costs 12,608 168,744
Recoveries 0 0
Totals 16,609 222,380
Total Budget   278,408
Category (details) Totals
List of itemized expenses
Special Events, Community Receptions and Hospitality 0
Donations and Sponsorships 1,672
Sponsorship: Get Growing Hunt Club Initiative for their programs and services – Nov. 2022 300
Sponsorship: Ottawa Safety Council – Adult Crossing Guard at Anna Avenue and Merivale Road – Nov. 2022 1,372
Memberships 0
City Related Business Travel 0
City Business Travel Covered by Other Departments Month Total Year Total
Other expenses
No other city related business travel to declare this month 0 0

December 2022

Category (summary) Month Total Year Total
Summary of monthly expenses
Special Events, Community Receptions and Hospitality 4,106 6,813
Donations and Sponsorships 1,547 24,094
Memberships 0 30
City Related Business Travel 0 0
Constituent Communications and Web Services   Includes websites, printing, mailing, advertising 2,202 28,100
External Services   Includes office assistance and consulting services 67 395
Materials, Office Supplies and Related Services Includes office, computer supplies, facility rentals 4,505 6,631
Staff Costs 11,639 180,383
Recoveries 0 0
Totals 24,066 246,446
Total Budget   278,408
Category (details) Totals
List of itemized expenses
Special Events, Community Receptions and Hospitality 4,106
Hospitality: Staff working breakfast meeting at Broadway Bar and Grill with R. Brockington, C. McRury, A. Sutton and M. Young – Dec. 20, 2022 68
Hospitality: "Raven Park Day event" – bananas – Raven Park – Aug. 5, 2022 10
Donation: Youth Connection – “Community Basketball Tournament” – food and refreshments – Hunt Club Riverside Park Community Centre – Aug. 3, 2022 50
Community event: "River Ward Holiday Dinner" – catering, supplies and entertainment – Hunt Club Riverside Park Community Centre – Dec. 22, 2022 3,978
Donations and Sponsorships 1,547
Sponsorship: Ottawa Safety Council – Adult Crossing Guard at Anna Avenue and Merivale Road – Dec. 2022 1,372
Donation: Carlington Community Chaplaincy – “Silent Auction Fundraiser 2022” – gift card – virtual event – Nov. 14-26, 2022 100
Donation: "Caldwell Christmas Holiday Party" – cakes – Carlington Gym – Dec. 22, 2022 75
Memberships 0
City Related Business Travel 0
City Business Travel Covered by Other Departments Month Total Year Total
Other expenses
No other city related business travel to declare this month 0 0