Emerging Community Need Funding

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Emerging Community Need Funding supports activities that address a specific emerging need in a community and contribute to community capacity building, well-being, and resiliency. 

For this funding, an emerging need is defined as:

  • a new issue facing the community,
  • a great and unmet need, or
  • an issue that is growing in importance because of external factors such as economic changes, toxic drug supply, lasting impact of COVID-19, etc.

Funding is intended for priority neighbourhoods defined by the Neighbourhood Equity Index and/or the Ottawa Neighborhood Study.  City staff will work alongside agencies and neighbourhoods to address the specific need based on the application.

Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis throughout the year. In 2024, a total budget of $300,000 is available.  This funding is available until the budget is finished. Applicants can apply for a maximum of $30,000 for each project, each year. As part of the City’s commitment to the Anti-Racism Strategy, at least $100,000 from the total budget will be assigned to Black-led initiatives. These initiatives will provide programs and services to Black youth.

Information sessions

The information sessions are done. If you are interested in receiving a copy of the PowerPoint Presentation, email communityfunding@ottawa.ca.

Assessment and allocation

Criteria for assessment of eligible proposals
Section Weight
How much the emerging and unmet need is aligned with the Community Funding Framework priorities and targets an emerging and urgent need within priority neighbourhoods  20%
Summary of Initiative 
  • How much the summary aligns with the purpose of Emerging Community Need funding 
  • Demonstration of how the organization plans to address the need through well thought out activities that contribute to the community, capacity building, well-being, and/or resiliency 
  • How realistic the timelines are  
  • Demonstration of how the project reaches out to and addresses unique and intersectional needs of priority populations and priority neighbourhoods  
  • Demonstration of strong partnerships to address the emerging need and how the emerging need will continue to be supported after this funding has ended. 
  • The viability and reasonableness of the budget 
Proposed Outcome 
  • How realistic and clear the benefit to the community are 
Total 100%

If your initiative is approved for funding

Contribution Agreement Process and Requirements

The City will send a letter by email to each successful applicant with a contribution offer and a draft contribution agreement outlining the terms and conditions of the contribution.  Applicants must contact the City within five business days of the date of the letter to accept the contribution and enter into a contribution agreement.

The City may withdraw the offer of contribution if it does not receive a response within the required timeframe. Once the contribution agreement has been signed, the City will provide the contribution in the form of a single payment to the organization.

Additional requirements

There are additional requirements for successful candidates that are not in receipt of Sustainability Funding from the City. These applicants must provide the City the following documents before entering into and signing a funding agreement: 

  • Most recent Audited Financial Statements
    • If the total contribution is less than $25K, un-audited financial statements may be provided, at the complete discretion of the City, if they have been approved and signed by two officers, each of whom
      • has been appointed under a by-law of the Contribution recipient to sign agreements and contracts that bind the Contribution recipient; and,
      • has the legal capacity to execute agreements and contracts that bind the Contribution recipient
  • Annual General Meeting (AGM) minutes for the last two completed fiscal years:
    • Draft AGM minutes from the last completed fiscal year, and
    • Most recent approved AGM minutes signed by two individuals with signing authority for the organization.
  • Current Board of Directors list
  • Current organizational chart
  • A valid certificate of insurance identifying the City of Ottawa as an additional insured under the insured’s policy/policies of insurance.

Reporting requirement under the Contribution Agreement

Successful applicants must complete and submit an outcome report four weeks after the agreed upon date on the contribution agreement. This report includes a financial statement of actual revenues and expenses. 


Successful applicants must obtain at least $2 million of commercial general liability insurance coverage for the initiative.

Before receiving the contribution, the successful applicant must provide the City with a certificate of insurance, with the City of Ottawa named as an additional insured.  

General Expectations

Successful applicants are required to fulfill all the terms and conditions of the contribution agreement. If there are difficulties in complying with any of the terms and conditions of the contribution agreement, City staff must be informed immediately so all parties can work together to resolve the situation.